1. To condemn or express contempt for by hissing.
If the tag-rag people did not clap him and hiss him, according as he pleased and displeased them.
Malcolm. What is the newest grief?
Ros. That of an hour's age doth hiss the speaker.
Shak. 2. To utter with a hissing sound.
The long-necked geese of the world that are ever hissing dispraise.
Tennyson. Hiss
(Hiss), n.
1. A prolonged sound like that letter s, made by forcing out the breath between the tongue and teeth,
esp. as a token of disapprobation or contempt.
"Hiss" implies audible friction of breath consonants.
H. Sweet.
A dismal, universal hiss, the sound
Of public scorn.
Milton. 2. Any sound resembling that above described; as: (a) The noise made by a serpent.
But hiss for hiss returned with forked tongue.
Milton. (b) The note of a goose when irritated. (c) The noise made by steam escaping through a narrow orifice,
or by water falling on a hot stove.
(Hiss"ing), n.
1. The act of emitting a hiss or hisses.
2. The occasion of contempt; the object of scorn and derision. [Archaic]
I will make this city desolate, and a hissing.
Jer. xix. 8. Hissingly
(Hiss"ing*ly), adv. With a hissing sound.
(Hist) interj. [Cf. Dan. hys. . Cf. Hush, Whist.] Hush; be silent; a signal for silence. Milton.
(His`ti*ol"o*gy) n. [Gr. "isto`s tissue + -logy.] Same as Histology.
(His`to*gen"e*sis) n. [Gr. "isto`s tissue + E. genesis.] (Biol.) (a) The formation and
development of organic tissues; histogeny; the opposite of histolysis. (b) Germ history of cells, and
of the tissues composed of cells. Haeckel.
(His`to*ge*net"ic) a. [See Histogeny.] (Biol.) Tissue-producing; connected with the formation
and development of the organic tissues.
(His*tog"e*ny) n. [Gr. "isto`s tissue + root of to be born.] (Biol.) Same as Histogenesis.
(His*tog"ra*pher) n. One who describes organic tissues; an histologist.
(His"to*graph"ic*al) a. Of or pertaining to histography.
(His*tog"ra*phy) n. [Gr. "isto`s tissue + -graphy.] A description of, or treatise on, organic