(Let"u*a*ry) n. Electuary. [Obs.] Chaucer.
(Let"-up`) n. [See Let to forbear.] Abatement; also, cessation; as, it blew a gale for three days
without any let-up. [Colloq.]
(Leuc-) Same as Leuco-.
(||Leu`ca*den"dron) n. [NL., fr. Gr. leyko`s white + de`ndron tree.] (Bot.) A genus of
evergreen shrubs from the Cape of Good Hope, having handsome foliage. Leucadendron argenteum is
the silverboom of the colonists.
(Leu*can"i*line) (lu*kan"i*lin or -len), n. [Leuc- + aniline.] (Chem.) A colorless, crystalline,
organic base, obtained from rosaniline by reduction, and also from other sources. It forms colorless
(||Leu*chæ"mi*a) n. [NL., fr. Gr. leyko`s white + a"i^ma blood.] (Med.) See Leucocythæmia.
Leu*chæm"ic a. [Written also leukæmia, leukæmic.]
(Leu"cic Leu*cin"ic) a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from leucin, and
called also oxycaproic acid.
(Leu"cin) n. [Gr. leyko`s white.] (Physiol. Chem.) A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance
formed in the decomposition of albuminous matter by pancreatic digestion, by the action of boiling dilute
sulphuric acid, and by putrefaction. It is also found as a constituent of various tissues and organs, as
the spleen, pancreas, etc., and likewise in the vegetable kingdom. Chemically it is to be considered as
amido-caproic acid.
(Leu"cite) n. [Gr. leyko`s white: cf. F. leucite.]
1. (Min.) A mineral having a glassy fracture, occurring in translucent trapezohedral crystals. It is a
silicate of alumina and potash. It is found in the volcanic rocks of Italy, especially at Vesuvius.
2. (Bot.) A leucoplast.
(Leu*cit"ic) a. (Min.) Containing leucite; as, leucitic rocks.
(Leu"ci*toid) n. [Leucite + -oid.] (Crystallog.) The trapezohedron or tetragonal trisoctahedron;
so called as being the form of the mineral leucite.
(Leu"co- Leuc-) (luk- ). leyko`s white.]> A combining form signifying white, colorless; specif.
(Chem.), denoting an extensive series of colorless organic compounds, obtained by reduction from
certain other colored compounds; as, leucaniline, leucaurin, etc.
(Leu"co*cyte) n. [Leuco- + Gr. ky`tos a hollow vessel.] (Physiol.) A colorless corpuscle,
as one of the white blood corpuscles, or those found in lymph, marrow of bone, connective tissue, etc.
They all consist of more or less spherical masses of protoplasm, without any surrounding membrane or
wall, and are capable of motion.
(||Leu`co*cy*thæ"mi*a) Leucocythemia
(||Leu`co*cy*the"mi*a) n. [NL., fr. Gr. leyko`s
white + ky`tos a hollow vessel + a"i^ma blood.] (Med.) A disease in which the white corpuscles of
the blood are largely increased in number, and there is enlargement of the spleen, or the lymphatic
glands; leuchæmia.
(Leu`co*cy`to*gen"e*sis) (- si`to*jen"e*sis), n. [Leucocyte + genesis.] (Physiol.)
The formation of leucocytes.