Post obit[L. post obitum]. See Post-obit.

(||Ob"i*ter) adv. [L., on the way; ob (see Ob-) + iter a going, a walk, way.] In passing; incidentally; by the way.

||Obiter dictum(Law), an incidental and collateral opinion uttered by a judge. See Dictum, n., 2 (a).

(O*bit"u*al) a. [L. obitus death. See Obit.] Of or pertaining to obits, or days when obits are celebrated; as, obitual days. Smart.

(O*bit"u*a*ri*ly) adv. In the manner of an obituary.

(O*bit"u*a*ry) a. [See Obit.] Of or pertaining to the death of a person or persons; as, an obituary notice; obituary poetry.

(O*bit"u*a*ry), n.; pl. Obituaries [Cf. F. obituaire. See Obit.]

1. That which pertains to, or is called forth by, the obit or death of a person; esp., an account of a deceased person; a notice of the death of a person, accompanied by a biographical sketch.

2. (R.C.Ch.) A list of the dead, or a register of anniversary days when service is performed for the dead.

(Ob*ject") v. t. [imp. & p. p. Objected; p. pr. & vb. n. Objecting.] [L. objectus, p. p. of objicere, obicere, to throw or put before, to oppose; ob (see Ob-) + jacere to throw: cf. objecter. See Jet a shooting forth.]

1. To set before or against; to bring into opposition; to oppose. [Obs.]

Of less account some knight thereto object,
Whose loss so great and harmful can not prove.

Some strong impediment or other objecting itself.

Pallas to their eyes
The mist objected, and condensed the skies.

2. To offer in opposition as a criminal charge or by way of accusation or reproach; to adduce as an objection or adverse reason.

He gave to him to object his heinous crime.

Others object the poverty of the nation.

The book . . . giveth liberty to object any crime against such as are to be ordered.

(Ob*ject"), v. i. To make opposition in words or argument; — usually followed by to. Sir. T. More.

(Ob"ject) n. [L. objectus. See Object, v. t.]

2. A funeral solemnity or office; obsequies.

3. A service for the soul of a deceased person on the anniversary of the day of his death.

The emoluments and advantages from oblations, obits, and other sources, increased in value.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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