Polyiodide to Polysilicic
(Pol`y*i"o*dide) n. (Chem.) A iodide having more than one atom of iodine in the molecule.
(Po*lyl"o*gy) n. [Gr. poly`s much + discourse.] Talkativeness. [R.]
(Po*lyl"o*quent) a. [Poly- + L. loquens, p. pr. of logui to speak.] Garrulous; loquacious.
(Pol`y*mas"tism) n. [Poly- + Gr. a breast.] (Anat.) The condition of having more than
two mammæ, or breasts.
(Pol`y*math"ic) a. [Cf. F. polymathique. See Polymathy.] Pertaining to polymathy; acquainted
with many branches of learning.
(Po*lym"a*thist) n. One versed in many sciences; a person of various learning.
(Po*lym"a*thy) n. [Gr. poly`s much + to learn.] The knowledge of many arts and sciences; variety
of learning. Johnson.
(Pol`y*me*nis"cous) a. [See Poly- , and Meniscus.] (Zoöl.) Having numerous facets;
said of the compound eyes of insects and crustaceans.
(Pol"y*mer) n. [See Polymeric.] (Chem.) Any one of two or more substances related to each
other by polymerism; specifically, a substance produced from another substance by chemical polymerization.
[Formerly also written polymere.]
(Pol`y*mer"ic) a. [Poly- + Gr. part.] (Chem.) Having the same percentage composition (that
is, having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight), but different molecular weights;
often used with with; thus, cyanic acid fulminic acid and cyanuric acid are polymeric with each other.
The figures expressing the number of atoms of each element in a number of polymeric substances are
respectively multiples and factors of each other, or have some simple common divisor. The relation
may be merely a numerical one, as in the example given above, or a chemical one, as in the case of
aldehyde, paraldehyde, and metaldehyde.
(Po*lym"er*ism) n. (Chem.) (a) The state, quality, or relation of two or more polymeric
substances. (b) The act or process of forming polymers.
(Pol`y*mer`i*za"tion) n. (Chem.) The act or process of changing to a polymeric form; the
condition resulting from such change.
(Pol"y*mer*ize) v. t. (Chem.) To cause polymerization of; to produce polymers from; to
increase the molecular weight of, without changing the atomic proportions; thus, certain acids polymerize
(Pol"y*mer*ize), v. i. (Chem.) To change into another substance having the same atomic
proportions, but a higher molecular weight; to undergo polymerization; thus, aldehyde polymerizes in
forming paraldehyde.
(Po*lym"er*ous) a.
1. (Bot.) Having many parts or members in each set. Gray.
2. (Chem.) Polymeric. [Obs.]
(Po*lym"ni*a) n. See Polyhymnia.