Proud flesh(Med.), a fungous growth or excrescence of granulations resembling flesh, in a wound or ulcer.

(Proud"ish) a. Somewhat proud. Ash.

(Proud"ling), n. A proud or haughty person. Sylvester.

(Proud"ly), adv. In a proud manner; with lofty airs or mien; haughtily; arrogantly; boastfully.

Proudly he marches on, and void of fear.

(Proud"ness), n. The quality of being proud; pride.

Set aside all arrogancy and proudness.

(Proust"ite) n. [From the French chemist, J. L. Proust.] (Min.) A sulphide of arsenic and silver of a beautiful cochineal-red color, occurring in rhombohedral crystals, and also massive; ruby silver.

(Prov"a*ble) a. [See Prove, and cf. Probable.] Capable of being proved; demonstrable. Prov"a*ble*ness, n.Prov"a*bly, adv.

(Prov"and Pro"ant) n. [See Provender.] Provender or food. [Obs.]

One pease was a soldier's provant a whole day.
Beau. & Fl.

(Pro*vant") v. t. To supply with provender or provisions; to provide for. [Obs.] Nash.

(Prov"ant) a. Provided for common or general use, as in an army; hence, common in quality; inferior. "A poor provant rapier." B. Jonson.

(Prove) v. t. [imp. & p. p. Proved ; p. pr. & vb. n. Proving.] [OE. prover, F. prouver, fr. L. probare to try, approve, prove, fr. probus good, proper. Cf. Probable, Proof, Probe.]

1. To try or to ascertain by an experiment, or by a test or standard; to test; as, to prove the strength of gunpowder or of ordnance; to prove the contents of a vessel by a standard measure.

Thou hast proved mine heart.
Ps. xvii. 3.

2. To evince, establish, or ascertain, as truth, reality, or fact, by argument, testimony, or other evidence.

They have inferred much from slender premises, and conjectured when they could not prove.
J. H. Newman.

(b) Having a feeling of high self-respect or self-esteem; exulting (in); elated; — often with of; as, proud of one's country. "Proud to be checked and soothed." Keble.

Are we proud men proud of being proud ?

2. Giving reason or occasion for pride or self-gratulation; worthy of admiration; grand; splendid; magnificent; admirable; ostentatious. "Of shadow proud." Chapman. "Proud titles." Shak. " The proud temple's height." Dryden.

Till tower, and dome, and bridge-way proud
Are mantled with a golden cloud.

3. Excited by sexual desire; — applied particularly to the females of some animals. Sir T. Browne.

Proud is often used with participles in the formation of compounds which, for the most part, are self- explaining; as, proud-crested, proud-minded, proud-swelling.

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