The Talmud consists of two parts, the Mishna, or text, and the Gemara, or commentary. Sometimes,
however, the name Talmud is restricted, especially by Jewish writers, to the Gemara. There are two
Talmuds, the Palestinian, commonly, but incorrectly, called the Talmud of Jerusalem, and the Babylonian
Talmud. They contain the same Mishna, but different Gemaras. The Babylonian Talmud is about three
times as large as the other, and is more highly esteemed by the Jews.
(Tal*mud"ic Tal*mud"ic*al) a. [Cf. F. talmudique.] Of or pertaining to the Talmud; contained
in the Talmud; as, Talmudic Greek; Talmudical phrases. Lightfoot.
(Tal"mud*ist) n. [Cf. F. talmudiste.] One versed in the Talmud; one who adheres to the
teachings of the Talmud.
(Tal`mud*is"tic) a. Resembling the Talmud; Talmudic.
(Tal"on) n. [F., heel, spur, LL. talo, fr. L. talus the ankle, heel.]
1. The claw of a predaceous bird or animal, especially the claw of a bird of prey. Bacon.
2. (Zoöl.) One of certain small prominences on the hind part of the face of an elephant's tooth.
3. (Arch.) A kind of molding, concave at the bottom and convex at the top; usually called an ogee.
When the concave part is at the top, it is called an inverted talon.
4. The shoulder of the bolt of a lock on which the key acts to shoot the bolt. Knight.
(Ta*look", Ta*luk") n. [Ar. ta'lluq.] A large estate; esp., one constituting a revenue district or
dependency the native proprietor of which is responsible for the collection and payment of the public
revenue due from it. [India]
(Ta*look"dar, Ta*luk"dar) n. [Hind., fr. Per. ta'lluqdar.] A proprietor of a talook. [India]
(||Tal"pa) n. [L., mole.] (Zoöl.) A genus of small insectivores including the common European
(||Ta"lus) n.; pl. Tali [L., the ankle, the ankle bone.]
1. (Anat.) The astragalus.
2. (Surg.) A variety of clubfoot (Talipes calcaneus). See the Note under Talipes.
(Ta"lus), n. [F.]
1. (Fort.) A slope; the inclination of the face of a work.
2. (Geol.) A sloping heap of fragments of rock lying at the foot of a precipice.
(Tam`a*bil"i*ty) n. The quality or state of being tamable; tamableness.
(Tam"a*ble) a. Capable of being tamed, subdued, or reclaimed from wildness or savage ferociousness. - -
Tam"a*ble*ness, n.
(Ta*man"du) n. [Sp., from the native name: cf. F. tamandua.] (Zoöl.) A small ant-eater (Tamandua
tetradactyla) native of the tropical parts of South America.
It has five toes on the fore feet, an elongated snout, small ears, and short woolly hair. Its tail is stout
and hairy at the base, tapering, and covered with minute scales, and is somewhat prehensile at the end.