[U. S.]
(Trus*tee") v. t.
1. To commit (property) to the care of a trustee; as, to trustee an estate.
2. (Law) To attach (a debtor's wages, credits, or property in the hands of a third person) in the interest
of the creditor. [U. S.]
(Trus*tee"ship), n. The office or duty of a trustee.
(Trust"er) n.
1. One who trusts, or credits.
2. (Scots Law) One who makes a trust; the correlative of trustee.
(Trust"ful) a.
1. Full of trust; trusting.
2. Worthy of trust; faithful; trusty; trustworthy.
Trust"ful*ly,adv. Trust"ful*ness, n.
(Trust"i*ly) adv. In a trusty manner.
(Trust"i*ness), n. The quality or state of being trusty.
(Trust"ing), a. Having or exercising trust; confiding; unsuspecting; trustful. Trust"ing*ly, adv.
(Trust"less), a. That may not be trusted; not worthy of trust; unfaithful. Trust"less*ness, n.
(Trust"wor`thy) a. Worthy of trust or confidence; trusty. Trust"wor`thi*ness n.
(Trust"y) a. [Compar. Trustier ; superl. Trustiest.]
1. Admitting of being safely trusted; justly deserving confidence; fit to be confided in; trustworthy; reliable.
Your trusty and most valiant servitor.
Shak. 2. Hence, not liable to fail; strong; firm.
His trusty sword he called to his aid.
Spenser. 3. Involving trust; as, a trusty business. [R.] Shak.
(Truth) n.; pl. Truths [OE. treuthe, trouthe, treowpe, AS. treów. See True; cf. Troth, Betroth.]
1. The quality or being true; as: (a) Conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which is,
or has been; or shall be.