Vol-au-vent (||Vol`-au`-vent") n. [F.] (Cookery) A light puff paste, with a raised border, filled, after baking,
usually with a ragout of fowl, game, or fish.
Volborthite (Vol"borth*ite) n. [So named after Volborth, who first discovered it.] (Min.) A mineral occurring
in small six-sided tabular crystals of a green or yellow color. It is a hydrous vanadate of copper and
Volcanian (Vol*ca"ni*an) a. Volcanic. [R.] Keats.
Volcanic (Vol*can"ic) a. [Cf. F. volcanique, It. vulcanico.]
1. Of or pertaining to a volcano or volcanoes; as, volcanic heat.
2. Produced by a volcano, or, more generally, by igneous agencies; as, volcanic tufa.
3. Changed or affected by the heat of a volcano.
Volcanic bomb, a mass ejected from a volcano, often of molten lava having a rounded form. Volcanic
cone, a hill, conical in form, built up of cinders, tufa, or lava, during volcanic eruptions. Volcanic
foci, the subterranean centers of volcanic action; the points beneath volcanoes where the causes producing
volcanic phenomena are most active. Volcanic glass, the vitreous form of lava, produced by sudden
cooling; obsidian. See Obsidian. Volcanic mud, fetid, sulphurous mud discharged by a volcano.
Volcanic rocks, rocks which have been produced from the discharges of volcanic matter, as the
various kinds of basalt, trachyte, scoria, obsidian, etc., whether compact, scoriaceous, or vitreous.
Volcanically (Vol*can"ic*al*ly) adv. Like a volcano.
Volcanicity (Vol`can*ic"i*ty) n. [Cf. F. volcanicité.] Quality or state of being volcanic; volcanic power.
Volcanism (Vol"can*ism) n. Volcanic power or action; volcanicity.
Volcanist (Vol"can*ist), n. [Cf. F. volcaniste, vulcaniste.]
1. One versed in the history and phenomena of volcanoes.
2. One who believes in the igneous, as opposed to the aqueous, origin of the rocks of the earth's crust; a
vulcanist. Cf. Neptunist.
Volcanity (Vol*can"i*ty) n. [See Volcanic, and Volcanicity.] The quality or state of being volcanic, or
volcanic origin; volcanicity. [R.]
Volcanization (Vol`can*i*za"tion) n. The act of volcanizing, or the state of being volcanized; the process
of undergoing volcanic heat, and being affected by it.
Volcanize (Vol"can*ize) v. t. [imp. & p. p. Volcanized ; p. pr. & vb. n. Volcanizing ] [Cf. Vulcanize.]
To subject to, or cause to undergo, volcanic heat, and to be affected by its action.
Volcano (Vol*ca"no) n.; pl. Volcanoes [It. volcano, vulcano, fr. L. Vulcanus Vulkan, the god of fire.
See Vulkan.] (Geol.) A mountain or hill, usually more or less conical in form, from which lava, cinders,
steam, sulphur gases, and the like, are ejected; often popularly called a burning mountain.
Volcanoes include many of the most conspicuous and lofty mountains of the earth, as Mt. Vesuvius in
Italy Mt. Loa in Hawaii Cotopaxi in South America which are examples of active volcanoes. The crater
of a volcano is usually a pit-shaped cavity, often of great size. The summit crater of Mt. Loa has a maximum
length of 13,000 ft., and a depth of nearly 800 feet. Beside the chief crater, a volcano may have a number
of subordinate craters.