Fustian, n.
1. Bombast, rant, rhodomontade, inflated style, swelling or pompous phraseology. 2. Stuff, nonsense, trash, twaddle, inanity, etc. See balderdash. Fusty, a. Musty, mouldy, rank, ill-smelling, malodorous.
Futile, a.
1. Trifling, frivolous, trivial. 2. Worthless, valueless, useless, profitless, fruitless, bootless, vain, idle, unprofitable, unavailing, ineffectual,
of no or none effect, to no purpose. Futility, n.
1. Triviality, frivolousness. 2. Uselessness, worthlessness, vanity, bootlessness, fruitlessness. Future, n.
1. Futurity, time to come, coming time, subsequent time. 2. Coming events, events to come, what is yet to be, what may occur hereafter. Future, a.
1. Coming, to come, yet to be, that will be, hereafter. 2. (Gram.) Denoting futurity. Futurity, n. The future. See future, n.