2. Earth, terraqueous globe, terrestrial ball. Globe-fish, n. Puffer, diodon.
Globose, a. Spherical, globular, globate, globated, round, globe-shaped.
Globosity, n. Sphericity, rotundity, roundness, globularity.
Globular, a. Spherical, globate, globated, globose, globulous, round, globe-shaped.
Globule, n. Spherule, little globe, small round particle, drop, bead.
Globulous, a. Spherical. See globular.
Gloom, n.
1. Obscurity, darkness, dimness, gloominess, cloud. 2. Sadness, dejection, depression, despondency, melancholy, heaviness of mind, low spirits. Gloomy, a.
1. Obscure, dark, dim, dusky. 2. Dismal, cheerless, lowering, lurid. 3. Sad, dejected, depressed, dispirited, disheartened, despondent, desponding, melancholy, downcast,
crestfallen, chapfallen, down-hearted, glum, heavy of heart. 4. Depressing, dispiriting, saddening, sad, disheartening, melancholy, heavy, dark. Glorify, v. a.
1. Extol, exalt, magnify, bless, honor greatly, praise highly, give glory to. 2. Brighten, make bright, add lustre to, make illustrious, elevate, exalt, ennoble, adorn, surround with a
halo of imagination. Glorious, a.
1. Illustrious, renowned, celebrated, famous, famed, eminent, pre-eminent, distinguished, conspicuous. 2. Resplendent, splendid, bright, brilliant, radiant. 3. Noble, exalted, lofty, high, excellent, consummate, supreme.