Hurry, v. n.

    1. Act precipitately, be in a flutter, be in a flurry.
    2. Haste, hasten, move quickly, be in haste, be quick, be in a hurry, make haste, mend one’s pace, move with celerity, lose no time, lose not a moment, wing one’s way, make the best of one’s way, crowd sail, clap spurs to one’s horse.

Hurry, n.

    1. Precipitation, flurry, flutter, agitation, confusion, bustle, perturbation, hurry-skurry.
    2. Haste, despatch, celerity, quickness, promptitude, expedition.

Hurry-skurry, n. (Colloq.) Flutter, flurry, agitation, confusion, hurry, fluttering haste, great confusion.

Hurry-skurry, ad. Confusedly, pell-mell, helter-skelter, headlong, with a huddling rush, heels over head.

Hurt, v. a.

    1. Injure, harm, damage, mar, impair, do harm to, inflict injury upon.
    2. Pain, wound, give pain to.
    3. Grieve, afflict, pain, wound, give (mental) pain to.

Hurt, n.

    1. Harm, injury, damage, detriment, mischief, disadvantage.
    2. Wound, bruise.

Hurtful, a. Injurious, detrimental, mischievous, pernicious, deleterious, noxious, baneful, prejudicial, disadvantageous, harmful, baleful.

Husband, n. Spouse, married man.

Husband, v. a. Save, economize, spend frugally, manage with frugality.

Husbandman, n. Agriculturist, farmer, tiller of the ground, cultivator of the soil.

Husbandry, n.

    1. Agriculture, farming, tillage, geoponics, cultivation of the soil.
    2. Frugality, thrift, domestic economy, management of domestic affairs.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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