Hush, v. a.

    1. Still, silence, quiet, repress the cries or clamor of.
    2. Appease, assuage, still, calm, quiet, allay, console.

Hush, interj. Silence, whist, be still, keep quiet, make no noise.

Hush-money, n. Bribe to keep silence, pay for concealment.

Hush up. Suppress, conceal, cover over, hide, keep secret, keep private.

Husk, n. Rind, bark, hull, glume, outer covering.

Husk, v. a. Strip off the husk from (as from Indian-corn).

Husks, n. pl. Hulls, glumes, chaff.

Husky, a.

    1. Dry, shrivelled.
    2. Hoarse, rough, raucous, harsh, guttural.

Hussar, n. Light-armed dragoon, light-cavalry-man.

Hussy, n. Jade, quean, base woman, sorry wench.

Hustle, v. a. Push, jostle, justle, elbow, crowd.

Huswife, n. Housewife, female economist, thrifty woman.

Huswifely, a. Thrifty, frugal, economical.

Hut, n. Cot, cabin, shed, hovel, poor cottage, mean dwelling.

Hutch, n.

    1. Chest, coffer, bin.
    2. Trap (as for rabbits).
    3. (Mining.) Box (for coal).

Huzza, interj. Hurrah.

Huzza, n. Shout, halloo, holla, hurrah.

Huzza, v. n. Shout, cry huzza, hurrah.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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