Hyaline, a. Glassy, crystalline, transparent.

Hyaloid, a. (A nat.) Vitriform, transparent.

Hybrid, n. Mongrel, mule, cross.

Hybrid, a. Mongrel, cross-bred, hermaphrodite.

Hydra, n.

    1. (Mythol.) Many-headed monster.
    2. Spectre, hobgoblin, ogre, Gorgon, bugbear, poker, bugaboo, frightful object, raw head and bloody bones.

Hydrant, n. Discharge-pipe (from the main of an aqueduct), water-plug.

Hydrargyrum, n. Mercury, quicksilver.

Hydrate, n. Hydro-oxide.

Hydraulic press. Bramah press, hydrostatic press.

Hydraulic ram. Water-ram.

Hydrocephalus, n. Dropsy of the brain.

Hydrochlorate, n. Muriate.

Hydrochloric acid. Muriatic acid.

Hydrocyanic acid. Prussic acid.

Hydrogen, n. (Chem.) Inflammable air, phlogiston.

Hydro-oxide, n. Hydrate.

Hydropathist, n.

    1. Water-doctor, expert in hydropathy.
    2. Believer in hydropathy, practiser of watercure.

Hydropathy, n. Water-cure.

Hydrophobia, n. (Med) Canine madness, rabies.

Hydropthalmia, Hydropthalmy, n. Dropsy of the eye.

Hydrostatic press. Bramah press, hydraulic press.

Hydrosulphuric acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen

Hydrous, a. Watery.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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