Imposture, n. Cheat, trick, deception, imposition, hoax, fraud, delusion, artifice, ruse, dodge, wile, deceit,
stratagem, chouse, crafty device.
Impotence, n.
1. Inability, disability, incapacity, incapability, incompetence, powerlessness, helplessness, inefficiency,
weakness, feebleness, imbecility, infirmity, frailty. 2. Lack of procreative power. Impotent, a.
1. Powerless, unable, incapable, incompetent, disabled, incapacitated, imbecile, weak, feeble, infirm,
frail, inefficient. 2. Unable to procreate, incapable of begetting offspring. Impound, v. a.
1. Put into a pound. 2. Confine, encage, imprison, shut up, coop up. Impoverish, v. a.
1. Make poor, bring to want, reduce to poverty, reduce to indigence. 2. Exhaust the fertility of, make sterile, render barren or unfertile. Impracticability, n. Impossibility, infeasibility, impracticableness.
Impracticable, a.
1. Impossible, unfeasible, not practicable. 2. Hard to deal with, hard to get along with obstinate, recalcitrant, unmanageable, untractable, stubborn,
thorny. 3. Impassable (as a road) Impracticableness, n. Impracticability.
Imprecate, v. a.
1. Invoke (a curse or some evil), call down.