2. Curse, maledict, execrate, anathematize. Imprecation, n.
1. Invocation (of evil). 2. Curse, malediction, execration, denunciation, anathema. Imprecatory, a. Maledictory, execrating, cursing, conveying curses.
Impregn, v a. (Poetical.) See impregnate.
Impregnable, a.
1. Unassailable, inexpugnable, not to be taken by assault, not to be stormed, secure from capture, tenable
against all odds. 2. Unassailable, invulnerable, invincible, immovable, not to be shaken, irrefragable. Impregnate, v. a.
1. Fecundate, make pregnant, get with child, get with young, cause to conceive. 2. Imbue, infuse, saturate, fill, tincture. 3. (Bot.) Fertilize, make prolific. Impregnation, n.
1. Fecundation, fertilization, getting with young, causing to conceive. 2. Infusion, saturation, tincture. Impress, v. a.
1. Stamp, print, imprint, mark by pressure. 2. Affect, strike, move. 3. Inculcate, fix deeply. 4. Press, force into public service.