Lickerish to Listen
Lickerish, a.
1. Hankering (to lick or taste), craving, longing. 2. Lecherous. See Libidinous. 3. Dainty, nice, fastidious. 4. Dainty, tempting, appetizing. Lickerous, a. See Lickerish.
Lickspittle, n. Abject parasite, mean flatterer, lick-platter, lick-trencher.
Lid, n.
1. Cover, covercle, top. 2. Eyelid. Lie, n.
1. Falsehood, malicious or deliberate falsification, intentional untruth, criminal falsehood, suggestio
falsi, suppressio veri, fib (humorous euphemism). 2. Delusion, illusion, fleeting show. Lie, v. n.
1. Falsify, fib, tell a lie. 2. Recline, lie, couch, lie down, be prostrate, be recumbent. 3. Be placed, be laid. 4. Be, rest, remain. 5. Be situated, be located. 6. Consist. 7. (Law.) Be sustainable.