5. Inconsiderable, petty, slight, trivial, slender, feeble, moderate, scanty, weak, small (in force or efficiency). 6. Mean, selfish, narrow, paltry, contemptible, niggard, illiberal, small (in generosity). Little, n.
1. Small quantity. 2. Miniature, small scale, small degree. Little, ad. Slightly, in a small degree, in some degree, not much.
Little Bear. [With The prefixed.) Lesser Bear, Ursa Minor.
Liturgy, n. Ritual, formulary of public worship, agenda.
Live, v. n.
1. Exist, have being, have life, be alive, be animated. 2. Remain, continue, endure, be permanent, last, survive. 3. Dwell, abide, reside. 4. Feed, subsist, be nourished, be supported (with on). 5. Subsist, acquire a livelihood (with on or by). 6. Enjoy life, be happy. 7. Behave, conduct ones self. Live, v. a.
1. Lead, pass, continue. 2. Practise, put in practice. Live, a.
1. Living, alive, animate, quick. 2. Ignited, burning, hot.