2. Original, indigenous, native. 3. Essential, characteristic, native. 4. Regular, normal, legitimate, in the course of nature, consistent with nature, conformable to nature. 5. Affectionate, kind. 6. Unaffected, real, genuine, simple, ingenuous, artless, spontaneous. 7. Unregenerate. 8. Life-like. 9. Illegitimate, bastard. Natural, n. Fool, simpleton, idiot.
Natural-born, a. Native.
Natural child. Bastard, love-child, illegitimate child.
Naturalize, v. a.
1. Make natural, familiarize, make easy. 2. Adopt as a citizen, adopt as native. 3. Acclimatize, adapt, accustom, habituate. 4. Adapt, make ones own. Nature, n.
1. World, creation, universe, system of created things, aggregate of phenomena, world of matter and of
mind, sum of causes and effects. 2. Sum total of sensible objects, world of matter. 3. Character, essence, constitution, quality, sum of attributes. 4. Kind, sort, species, quality, character.