5. Temper, disposition, humor, mood, grain. 6. Mind, intelligence, intelligent being, intellect. 7. Active principle of the universe, soul of the Universe, God, Creator, Author. 8. Regular course of things, usual or established order of events, normal association. 9. What is natural, conformity with nature, accordance with truth or reality. 10. Vitality, human life, vital powers of a man. 11. Natural affection, reverence. 12. Natural condition, nakedness. Naught, n. Nothing, nought.
Naught, a.
1. Worthless, bad, of no value. 2. Naughty, vile, base. Naughtiness, n. Perverseness, frowardness, mischievousness, misbehavior.
Naughty, a.
1. Bad, corrupt, worthless, good for nothing. 2. Perverse, froward, mischievous, bad. Nausea, n.
1. Seasickness. 2. Qualm, sickness of the stomach, inclination to vomit, squeamishness, loathing. 3. Disgust, loathing, repugnance, aversion, strong dislike.