8. Distinction, reputation, celebrity, fame, repute, renown, credit, account, consequence, respectability,
notedness, eminence. 9. Bill, bank-note, promissory note, note of hand, paper-money. 10. Voice, tune, song. Note, v. a.
1. Notice, remark, observe, mark, regard, heed, attend to, take notice of, pay attention to. 2. Record, register, make a note of, make a memorandum of, make a minute of, set down in writing, jot
down. 3. Designate, denote. 4. Annotate, furnish with notes. Note-book, n. Memorandum-book, journal, commonplace book, adversaria.
Noted, a. Distinguished, celebrated, remarkable, notable, notorious, famous, famed, renowned, conspicuous,
eminent, illustrious, well-known.
Noteworthy, a. Remarkable, extraordinary, unusual, rare, memorable, worthy of note, noticeable.
Nothing, n.
1. No thing, no quantity, no part, no degree. 2. Non-existence, nihility, inexistence, nihilism, nonentity, nothingness, nullity. 3. Trifle, bagatelle, small matter, thing of no importance, matter of no consequence. 4. Cipher, zero, nought. Nothing, ad. Not at all, in no degree.
Nothingness, n.
1. Nihility, nihilism, non-existence, nonentity. 2. Nothing, nought, worthless thing.