Perseides, n. pl. August meteors.

Perseverance, n. Steadiness, persistence, persistency, constancy, steadfastness, resolution, indefatigableness.

Persevere, v. n. Persist, be steady, continue, be steadfast, be constant, go on, keep on, hold on, keep one’s course, keep one’s ground, maintain one’s ground, stick to it, not give it up, stand firm, stand fast, move heaven and earth, go through fire and water, go all lengths, stick at nothing.

Persiflage, n. [Fr.] Banter, raillery, ridicule, jeering, mockery, quizzing, joking, pleasantry, frivolous talk.

Persifleur, n. Quiz, banterer.

Persist, v. n.

    1. Continue, remain, last, endure.
    2. Persevere, be steadfast.

Persistence, Persistency, n.

    1. See Perseverance.
    2. Obstinacy, contumacy, doggedness, stubbornness, perverseness, pertinacity, obduracy, headiness, pig-headedness.
    3. Continuance, continuation.

Persistent, a. Persevering, constant, enduring, tenacious, fixed, immovable, persistive, persisting, steady.

Person, n.

    1. Individual, one, somebody, someone.
    2. Body, bodily substance, bodily form, human frame, living body.
    3. Character, part, rôle.
    4. Moral agent, living soul, self-conscious being.
    5. Human being, human creature.

Personable, a. Graceful, good-looking, well-appearing, comely, seemly, well-favored.

Personage, n.

    1. Individual, person.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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