Powerful, a.
1. Mighty, potent, puissant. 2. Vigorous, robust, sturdy, strong, able-bodied, muscular, sinewy, nervous. 3. Of great power, commanding, able, over-powering, dominating, forcible, forceful. 4. Efficacious, effective, efficient, effectual, energetic, operative, influential, cogent, valid. Practicability, n.
1. Feasibility, feasibleness, possibility, practicableness. 2. Fitness for use, the being open to travel or passage, passability, passableness, openness to entrance. Practicable, a.
1. Feasible, performable, possible, achievable, attainable. 2. Capable of use, usable, capable of passage or entrance, passable, penetrable. Practicableness, n. See Practicability.
Practical, a.
1. Adapted to practice or use, not speculative, not theoretical, adjusted to facts, not visionary. 2. Experienced, versed, proficient, trained, qualified, practised, skilled, thoroughbred, able, au fait.