
    1. Stipulation, agreement.
    2. Guaranty, security, surety, pledge, warrant.

Warrior, n. Soldier, captain, military man, man at arms, fighting man.

Wart, n. Morbid excrescence, fungous growth.

Warted, a. (Bot.) Verrucose.

War-whoop, n. Indian war-cry.

Wary, a. Cautious, heedful, careful, watchful, vigilant, circumspect, prudent, discreet, guarded, scrupulous, chary.

Wash, v. a.

    1. Cleanse by ablution.
    2. Wet, moisten, fall on and moisten.
    3. Wet, moisten, bathe, lave.
    4. Overflow, fall on, dash against.
    5. Waste, abrade, wash away.
    6. Stain, tint, color.
    7. Overlay (with a thin coat of metal), cover.

Wash, v. n.

    1. Perform ablution.
    2. Cleanse clothes in water.
    3. (Colloq.) Bear washing.

Wash, n.

    1. Ablution, lavation, washing, bathing, cleansing.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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