Wise, a.
1. Sensible, sage, judicious, sagacious, penetrating, deep, profound, discerning, reasonable, rational,
intelligent, enlightened, sound, solid, philosophical, of good judgment. 2. Erudite, learned. 3. Subtle, cunning, crafty, sly, foxy, wily, politic, knowing, designing, long-headed. Wise, n. Manner, way, mode, fashion.
Wiseacre, n. Witling, ignoramus, pretender to wisdom. See Dunce.
Wish, v. n. Desire, long, hanker, list.
Wish, v. a.
1. Bid, direct, want, desire, intend, mean. 2. Desire, want, long for, hanker after, set ones heart upon. Wish, n.
1. Desire, want, will, pleasure, behest, hest (poetical), mind, intention. 2. Longing, want, desire, hankering, liking. Wish-bone, Wishing-bone, n. Merry-thought.
Wishful, a. Desirous, longing, eager, hankering, wistful.
Wish-wash, n.
1. Thin drink. 2. Trash, stuff, balderdash, palaver, moonshine, fudge, nonsense, jargon, prate, prattle, drivel, gibberish,
gabble, gibble-gabble, platitude, flummery, inanity, senseless prate, frothy discourse, idle talk. Wishy-washy, a. (Colloq.) Thin, feeble, weak, watery, flat.
Wistful, a.
1. Contemplative, meditative, reflective, musing, thoughtful, pensive. 2. Longing, eager. See Wishful.