Withdraw, v. a.
1. Remove, subduct, subduce, subtract, take away, draw out, draw back. 2. Wean, disengage, draw off. 3. Retract, recall, recant, disavow, revoke, abjure, take back. Withdraw, v. n. Retire, retreat, secede, depart, decamp, go away, be off, go off.
Withdrawal, n.
1. Abduction, withdrawing, removal, subduction, subtraction, withdrawment. 2. Departure, exit, retirement, leave, going away. Withdrawment, n. See Withdrawal.
Withe, n. Twig, osier, wicker.
Wither, v. n.
1. Shrivel, dry, wilt, dry up, lose freshness. 2. Waste, decay, droop, languish, pine, pine away, waste away. Withhold, v. a.
1. Restrain, suppress, repress, keep in, rein in. 2. Retain, suppress, keep back. Within, prep.
1. In the inside of, inside of, inside. 2. In the compass of, in the limits of, not beyond, not above, not more than. 3. In the reach or influence of. Within, ad.
1. Inwardly, internally, in the mind or heart.