Working, n. Motion, operation, action.
Working-bee, n. Worker.
Workman, n.
1. Laborer, operative, worker, journeyman. 2. Artisan, mechanic, craftsman, handicraftsman, artificer. 3. Skilful artificer, master in his art, skilled workman. Workmanlike, a. Skilful, workmanly.
Workmanly, a. See Workmanlike.
Workmanship, n. Handiwork, handicraft, manipulation, execution.
Work out. Accomplish, effect, perform, realize, bring to pass.
Work through. Get through.
World, n.
1. Universe, cosmos, creation, nature. 2. Earth, globe, terraqueous globe or ball. 3. Planet, heavenly body. 4. Life, things, human affairs, secular affairs, affairs of life, social life, ways of men, course of things,
stream of time. 5. Public, society, people, men, mankind, human race. 6. Natural order, unspiritualized order, natural man, unregenerate man or order. Worldly, a.
1. Earthly, mundane, terrestrial, terrene, sublunary, human, common. 2. Secular, temporal. 3. Sordid, grovelling, selfish, ambitious, proud, anxious for power, place, or wealth, worldly-minded,
earth-born, irreligious.