BOXWALLAH, s. Hybrid H. Bakas- (i.e. box) wala. A native itinerant pedlar, or packman, as he would
be called in Scotland by an analogous term. The Boxwala sells cutlery, cheap nick-nacks, and small
wares of all kinds, chiefly European. In former days he was a welcome visitor to small stations and
solitary bungalows. The Bora of Bombay is often a boxwala, and the boxwala in that region is commonly
called Bora. (See BORA.)
BOY, s.
a. A servant. In Southern India and in China a native personal servant is so termed, and is
habitually summoned with the vocative Boy! The same was formerly common in Jamaica and other
W. I. Islands. Similar uses are familiar of puer (e.g. in the Vulgate Dixit Giezi puer Viri Dei. II Kings
v. 20), Ar. walad, paidarion, garçon, knave (Germ. Knabe); and this same word is used for a
camp-servant in Shakespeare, where Fluelen says: Kill the Poys and the luggage! tis expressly against
the laws of arms.See also Groses Mil. Antiquities, i. 183, and Latin quotation from Xavier under
Conicopoly. The word, however, came to be especially used for Slave-boy, and applied to slaves of
any age. The Portuguese used moço in the same way. In Pigeon English also servant is Boy,
whilst boy in our ordinary sense is discriminated as smallo-boy!
b. A Palankin-bearer. From the name
of the caste, Telug. and Malayal. boyi, Tam. bovi, &c. Wilson gives bhoi as H. and Mahr. also. The
word is in use northward at least to the Nerbudda R. In the Konkan, people of this class are called Kahar
bhui (see Ind. Ant. ii. 154, iii. 77). P. Paolino is therefore in error, as he often is, when he says that
the word boy as applied by the English and other Europeans to the coolies or facchini who carry the
dooly, has nothing to do with any Indian language. In the first and third quotations (under b), the use
is more like a, but any connection with English at the dates seems impossible.
1609.I bought of them a Portugall Boy (which the Hollanders had given unto the King)
hee cost
mee fortie-five Dollers.Keeling, in Purchas, i. 196.
My Boy Stephen Grovenor.Hawkins, in Purchas,
211. See also 267, 296.
1681.We had a black boy my Father brought from Porto Nova to attend
upon him, who seeing his Master to be a Prisoner in the hands of the People of his own Complexion,
would not now obey his Command.Knox, 124.
1696.Being informed where the Chief man of the
Choultry lived, he (Dr. Brown) took his sword and pistol, and being followed by his boy with another
pistol, and his horse keeper.
In Wheeler, i. 300.
1784.Eloped. From his masters House at Moidapore,
a few days since, A Malay Slave Boy.In Seton-Karr, i. 45; see also pp. 120, 179.
1836.The real
Indian ladies lie on a sofa, and if they drop their handkerchief, they just lower their voices and say Boy!
in a very gentle tone.Letters from Madras, 38.
1866.Yes, Sahib, I Christian Boy. Plenty poojah do.
Sunday time never no work do.Trevelyan, The Dawk Bungalow, p. 226. Also used by the French in
the East:
1872.Mon boy maccompagnait pour me servir à loccasion de guide et dinterprète.Rev. des Deux
Mondes, xcviii. 957.
1875.He was a faithful servant, or boy, as they are here called, about forty years
of age.Thomsons Malacca, 228.
1876.A Portuguese Boy
from Bombay.Blackwoods Mag.,
Nov., p. 578. b.
1554.(At Goa) also to a naique, with 6 peons (piães) and a mocadam with 6 torch-bearers (tochas),
one umbrella boy (hum bóy do sombreiro), two washermen (mainatos), 6 water-carriers (bóys daguoa)
all serving the governor
in all 280 pardaos and 4 tangas annually, or 84,240 reis.S. Botelho, Tombo,
[1563.And there are men who carry this umbrella so dexterously to ward off the sun, that although
their master trots on his horse, the sun does not touch any part of his body, and such men are called in
India boi.Barros, Dec. 3, Bk. x. ch. 9.]
1591.A proclamation of the viceroy, Matthias dAlboquerque,
orders: that no person, of what quality or condition soever, shall go in a palanquim without my express
licence, save they be over 60 years of age, to be first proved before the Auditor-General of Police
those who contravene this shall pay a penalty of 200 cruzados, and persons of mean estate the half,
the palanquys and their belongings to be forfeited, and the bois or mouços who carry such
palanquys shall be condemned to his Majestys galleys.Archiv. Port. Orient., fasc. 3, 324.
faisans les graues et obseruans le Sossiego à lEspagnole, ayans tousiours leur boay qui porte leur
parasol, sans lequel ils nosent sortir de logis, ou autrement on les estimeroit picaros et miserables.Mocquet,
Voyages, 305.
autres Gentils qui sont comme Crocheteurs et Porte-faix, quils appellent