2. (Eccl.) A short anthem sung at intervals during the reading of a chapter.
3. (Arch.) A half pier or pillar attached to a wall to support an arch. Oxf. Gloss.
(Re*spond"ence Re*spond"en*cy) (- en*s?), n. The act of responding; the state of being
respondent; an answering. A. Chalmers.
The angelical soft trembling voice made
To the instruments divine respondence meet.
Spenser. Respondent
(Re*spond"ent) a. [L. respondens, p. pr. of respondere.] Disposed or expected to respond; answering; according; corresponding.
Wealth respondent to payment and contributions.
Bacon. Respondent
(Re*spond"ent), n. [Cf. F. répondant.] One who responds. It corresponds in general to
defendant. Specifically: (a) (Law) One who answers in certain suits or proceedings, generally those
which are not according to the course of the common law, as in equity and admiralty causes, in petitions
for partition, and the like; distinquished from appellant. (b) One who maintains a thesis in reply, and
whose province it is to refute objections, or overthrow arguments; distinguished from opponent. I.
(||Re`spon*den"ti*a) n. [NL. See Respondence.] (Commercial Law) A loan upon goods
laden on board a ship. It differs from bottomry, which is a loan on the ship itself. Bouvier.
(Re*spon"sal) a. Answerable. [Obs.]
(Re*spon"sal), n. [Cf.LL. resposalis.]
1. One who is answerable or responsible. [Obs.] Barrow.
2. Response. [Obs.] Brevint.
(Re*sponse") n. [OF. response, respons, F. réponse, from L. responsum, from respondere.
See Respond.]
1. The act of responding.
2. An answer or reply. Specifically: (a) Reply to an objection in formal disputation. I. Watts. (b) (Eccl.)
The answer of the people or congregation to the priest or clergyman, in the litany and other parts of
divine service. (c) (R.C.Ch.) A kind of anthem sung after the lessons of matins and some other parts
of the office. (d) (Mus.) A repetition of the given subject in a fugue by another part on the fifth above
or fourth below. Busby.
(Re*sponse"less), a. Giving no response.
(Re*spon`si*bil"i*ty) n.; pl. -ties [Cf. F. responsabilité.]
1. The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable, as for a trust, debt, or obligation.
2. That for which anyone is responsible or accountable; as, the resonsibilities of power.
3. Ability to answer in payment; means of paying.
(Re*spon"si*ble) a. [Cf. F. responsable. See Respond.]
1. Liable to respond; likely to be called upon to answer; accountable; answerable; amenable; as, a guardian
is responsible to the court for his conduct in the office.