3. Disrespectful or calumnious hint, suggestion, intimation, or innuendo. Insipid, a.
1. Tasteless, gustless, savorless, vapid, mawkish, stale, flat. 2. Spiritless, lifeless, heavy, stupid, dull, frigid, tame, prosaic, prosy, uninteresting, unentertaining. Insipidity, Insipidness, n.
1. Tastelessness, vapidness mawkishness, unsavoriness, staleness, flatness, lack of zest. 2. Dulness, lifelessness, stupidity, tameness, prosiness, heaviness, lack of interest, uninteresting character. Insist on. Urge, press earnestly, persist in demanding, insist upon.
Insistence, n. Urging, urgency, importunity, solicitousness, persistent urgency.
Insist upon. See Insist on.
In situ. [L.]
1. (Min.) In the original position, as originally deposited or formed. 2. In its proper place. Insnare, v. a. [Written also Ensnare.]
1. Entrap, catch. 2. Inveigle, allure, seduce. 3. Entangle, embarrass, perplex, confound, bewilder. Insolate, v. a.
1. Expose to the rays of the sun. 2. Dry in the sun. Insolation, n.
1. Exposure to the rays of the sun.