Irrational, a.
1. Brutish, brute, void of reason, without reason. 2. Absurd, unreasonable, preposterous, foolish, silly, unwise; injudicious, extravagant. 3. Demented, alienated (in mind), crazy, lunatic, aberrant. 4. (Math.) Surd. Irrationality, n.
1. Brutishness, want of reason. 2. Absurdity, folly, foolishness, unreasonableness. Irreclaimable, a.
1. Irrecoverable, hopeless, irreparable, past cure, past hope, remediless, irretrievable, irreversible, incurable,
past mending. 2. Obdurate, hardened, impenitent, incorrigible, lost, abandoned, profligate, graceless, shameless, recreant,
unrepentant, reprobate. Irreconcilable, a.
1. Unappeasable, inexorable, implacable, inexpiable. 2. Inconsistent, incompatible, incongruous. Irrecoverable, a.
1. Irretrievable, lost forever, never to be regained. 2. Irreparable, remediless, irremediable, not to be repaired, that cannot be restored, not to be remedied. 3. Incurable, immedicable, remediless, irremedicable, hopeless, past cure, past hope, past mending. Irrefragable, a. Indisputable, incontestable, irrefutable, incontrovertible, invincible, unassailable, inexpugnable,
impregnable, irresistible, unanswerable, undeniable.
Irrefutable, a. Indisputable, unanswerable. See Irrefragable.