BANDANNA, s. This term is properly applied to the rich yellow or red silk handkerchief, with diamond
spots left white by pressure applied to prevent their receiving the dye. The etymology may be gathered
from Shakespears Dict., which gives Bandhnu: 1. A mode of dyeing in which the cloth is tied in different
places, to prevent the parts tied from receiving the dye;
3. A kind of silk cloth A class or caste in Guzerat
who do this kind of preparation for dyeing are called Bandhari (Drummond). [Such handkerchiefs are
known in S. India as Pulicat handkerchiefs. Cloth dyed in this way is in Upper India known as Chunri.
A full account of the process will be found in Journ. Ind. Art, ii. 63, and S. M. Hadis Mon. on Dyes
and Dyeing, p. 35.]
c. 1590.His Majesty improved this department in four ways
. Thirdly, in stuffs as
Bándhnún, Chhínt,
Alchah.Ain, i. 91.
1752.The Cossembazar merchants having fallen short in gurrahs, plain taffaties,
ordinary bandannoes, and chappas.In Long, 31.
800.Milburn (List of Bengal
Piece-goods, and no. to the ton), ii. 221.
1848.Mr Scape, lately admitted partner into the great Calcutta
House of Fogle, Fake, and Cracksman
taking Fakes place, who retired to a princely Park in Sussex (the
Fogles have long been out of the firm, and Sir Horace Fogle is about to be raised to the peerage as
Baron Bandanna),
two years before it failed for a million, and plunged half the Indian public into misery
and ruin.Vanity Fair, ii. ch. 25.
1866. Of course, said Toogood, wiping his eyes with a large red
bandana handkerchief. By all means, come along, Major. The major had turned his face away, and he
also was weeping.Last Chronicle of Barset, ii. 362.
1875.In Calcutta Tariff Valuations: Piece goods
silk: Bandanah Choppahs, per piece of 7 handkerchiefs
115 Rs. BANDAREE, s. Mahr. Bhandari, the name of the caste or occupation. It is applied at Bombay to the
class of people (of a low caste) who tend the coco-palm gardens in the island, and draw toddy, and who
at one time formed a local militia. [It has no connection with the more common Bhándârî, a treasurer or
. certain duties collected from the bandarys who draw the toddy (sura) from the aldeas
Botelho, Tombo, 203.
1644.The people
are all Christians, or at least the greater part of them consisting
of artizans, carpenters, chaudaris (this word is manifestly a mistranscription of bandaris), whose business
is to gather nuts from the coco-palms, and corumbis (see KOONBEE) who till the ground
1673.The President
if he go abroad, the Bandarines and Moors under two Standards march
before him.Fryer, 68.
besides 60 Field-pieces ready in their Carriages upon occasion to attend the
Militia and Bandarines.Ibid. 66.
c. 1760.There is also on the island kept up a sort of militia, composed
of the land-tillers, and bandarees, whose living depends chiefly on the cultivation of the coco-nut trees.Grose,
i. 46.
whilst on the Brab trees the cast of Bhundarees paid a due for extracting the
liquor.Bombay Regulation, i. of 1808, sect. vi. para. 2.
1810.Her husband came home, laden with
toddy for distilling. He is a bandari or toddy-gatherer.Maria Graham, 26.
c. 1836.Of the Bhundarees
the most remarkable usage is their fondness for a peculiar species of long trumpet, called Bhongalee,
which, ever since the dominion of the Portuguese, they have had the privilege of carrying and blowing
on certain State occasions.R. Murphy, in Tr. Bo. Geog. Soc. i. 131.
1883.We have received a
letter from one of the large Bhundarries in the city, pointing out that the tax on toddy trees is now Rs.
18 (? Rs. 1, 8 as.) per tapped toddy tree per annum, whereas in 1872 it was only Re. 1 per tree;
urges that the Bombay toddy-drawers are entitled to the privilege of practising their trade free of license,
in consideration of the military services rendered by their ancestors in garrisoning Bombay town and
island, when the Dutch fleet advanced towards it in 1670.Times of India (Mail), July 17th. BANDEJAH, s. Port. bandeja, a salver, a tray to put presents on. We have seen the word used only
in the following passages:
1621.We and the Hollanders went to vizet Semi Dono, and we carid hym a bottell of strong water,
and an other of Spanish wine, with a great box (or bandeja) of sweet bread.Cockss Diary, ii. 143.
the Phirmaund (see FIRMAUN) from Captain Boddam in a bandaye couered with a rich
piece of Atlass (see ATLAS).Hedges, Diary, Hak. Soc. ii. ccclx.]
1747.Making a small Cott (see
COT) and a rattan Bandijas for the Nabob
. (Pagodas) 4: 32: 21.Acct. Expenses at Fort St. David,