(A*sweve") v. t. [AS. aswebban; a + swebban. See Sweven.] To stupefy. [Obs.] Chaucer.
(A*swing") adv. In a state of swinging.
(A*swoon") adv. In a swoon. Chaucer.
(A*swooned") adv. In a swoon.
(A*sy"lum) n.; pl. E. Asylums L. Asyla [L. asylum, Gr. fr. exempt from spoliation, inviolable;
'a priv. + right of seizure.]
1. A sanctuary or place of refuge and protection, where criminals and debtors found shelter, and from
which they could not be forcibly taken without sacrilege.
So sacred was the church to some, that it had the right of an asylum or sanctuary.
The name was anciently given to temples, altars, statues of the gods, and the like. In later times Christian
churches were regarded as asylums in the same sense.
2. Any place of retreat and security.
Earth has no other asylum for them than its own cold bosom.
3. An institution for the protection or relief of some class of destitute, unfortunate, or afflicted persons; as,
an asylum for the aged, for the blind, or for the insane; a lunatic asylum; an orphan asylum.
(A*sym"me*tral) a. Incommensurable; also, unsymmetrical. [Obs.] D. H. More.
(As`ym*met"ric As`ym*met"ri*cal) a. [See Asymmetrous.]
1. Incommensurable. [Obs.]
2. Not symmetrical; wanting proportion; esp., not bilaterally symmetrical. Huxley.
(A*sym"me*trous) a. Asymmetrical. [Obs.] Barrow.
(A*sym"me*try) n. [Gr. 'a priv. + symmetry.]
1. Want of symmetry, or proportion between the parts of a thing, esp. want of bilateral symmetry.
2. (Math.) Incommensurability. [Obs.] Barrow.
(As"ymp*tote) n. [Gr. not falling together; 'a priv. + to fall together; with + to fall. Cf. Symptom.]
(Math.) A line which approaches nearer to some curve than assignable distance, but, though infinitely
extended, would never meet it. Asymptotes may be straight lines or curves. A rectilinear asymptote may
be conceived as a tangent to the curve at an infinite distance.
(A*syn"ar*tete`) a. [Gr. not united, disconnected; 'a priv. + with + to fasten to.] Disconnected; not
fitted or adjusted. A*syn"ar*tet"ic a.
Asynartete verse (Pros.), a verse of two members, having different rhythms; as when the first consists
of iambuses and the second of trochees.
(As`yn*det"ic) a. [See Asyndeton.] Characterized by the use of asyndeton; not connected
by conjunctions. As`yn*det"ic*al*ly, adv.