Baragouin, absurdity, 497. | Bastardy, illegitimacy, 964. |
Barb, spike, 253. | Baste, beat, 276. |
nag, 271. | punish, 972. |
Barbarian, evil-doer, 913. | Bastille, prison, 752. |
Barbarism, discourtesy, 895. | Bastinado, punishment, 972. |
solecism, 568. | Bastion, defence, 717. |
Barbarous, maleficent, 907. | Bat, club, 727. |
vulgar, 851. | mall, 633. |
rude, 876. | Batswing, light, 423. |
style, 579. | Batch, assemblage, 72. |
Barbican, defence, 717. | quantity, 25. |
Barbouillage, writing, 590. | Bate, diminish, 36, 38. |
Bard, poetry, 597. | reduce price, 813. |
Bare, mere, 32. | Bath, immersion, 300, 337. |
nude, 226. | Bathe, immersion, 300. |
scanty, 640. | Bathos, depth, 208. |
exposed to view, 446. | anticlimax, 497. |
Barefaced, visible, 446. | ridiculous, 853. |
shameless, 885. | Bathymetric, depth, 208. |
Bareheaded, respect, 928. | Baton, sceptre, 747. |
Barely, smallness, 32. | Battalion, troop, 726. |
Baresark, violence, 173. | assemblage, 72. |
combatant, 726. | Batten, feed, 296. |
Bargain, compact, 769. | Batter, beat, 276. |
barter, 794. | destroy, 162. |
promise, 768. | Battered, imperfect, 651. |
cheap, 813, 815. | Battering-ram, weapon, 276, 727. |
Bargain, into the, addition, 37. | Battery, instrument, 633. |
Barge, ship, 273. | Battle, contention, 720. |
Baritone, deep-toned, 408. | Battle array, warfare, 722. |
Bark, rind, 223. | arrangement, 60. |
ship, 273. | Battle-axe, arms, 727. |
Bark, to yelp, 412. | Battlefield, arena, 728. |
to censure, 932. | Battlement, bulwark, 666. |
Barm, yeast, 353. | defence, 717. |
Barn, abode, 189. | enclosure, 232. |
Barnacles, optical instrument, 445. | embrasure, 257. |
Barometer, measurement, 466. | Battre la générale, alarm, 669. |
Baron, nobility, 875. | Battue, pursuit, 622. |
Baronet, nobility, 875. | Baulk, see Balk. |
Baronetage, list, 86. | Bauble, trifle, 643. |
Baroque, ridiculous, 853. | toy, 840. |
Barrack, abode, 189. | Bavardage, absurdity, 497. |
Barracoon, defence, 717. | Bawd, libertine, 962. |
Barrage, obstacle, 706. | Bawdy, impurity, 961. |
Barred, crossed, 219. | Bawl, cry, 411, 839. |
striped, 440. | Bay, gulf, 343. |
Barrel, vessel, 191. | brown, 433. |
cylinder, 249. | to howl, 412. |
Barren, sterile, 169. | Bay, at, defence, 717. |
useless, 645. | Bayadère, dancer, 599. |
Barricade, fence, 232. | Bayard, carrier, 271. |
prison, 752. | perfection, 650. |
obstacle, 706. | Bayonet, arms, 727. |
Barrier, fence, 232. | Bays, trophy, 733. |
obstacle, 706. | reward, 973. |
Barring, except, 83. | Bazaar, mart, 799. |
save, 38. | Be, to, existence, I. |
Barrister, lawyer, 968. | Be off, departure, 293. |
Barrow, vehicle, 272. | Beach, land, 342. |
grave, 363. | Beacon, sign, 423, 550. |
Barter, exchange, 794. | warning, 668. |
Bascule, instrument, 633. | Beadle, janitor, 263. |
Base, lowest part, 211. | officer, 745. |
support, 215. | law officer, 965. |
bad, 649. | church, 996. |
dishonourable, 940. | Bead-roll, list, 86. |
shameful, 874. | Beads, rite, 998. |
vicious, 945. | Beak, front, 234. |
cowardly, 862. | nose, 250. |
plebeian, 876. | Beaker, receptacle, 191. |
Baseless, unreal, 2. | Beam, support, 215. |
erroneous, 495. | of a balance, 466. |
Basement, base, 211. | of light, 420. |
Base-minded, improbity, 940. | beauty, 845. |
Bashaw, ruler, 745. | Beamless, darkness, 421. |
tyrant, 739. | Bean-feast, pleasure, 827, 840. |
Bashful, modesty, 881. | meal, 298. |
Basic, support, 215. | Bear, sustain, 215. |
Basilica, temple, 1000. | produce, 161. |
Basilisk, serpent, 949. | carry, 270. |
cannon, 727. | suffer, 821. |
Basin, hollow, 252. | admit, 470. |
vessel, 191. | brute, 895. |
plain, 344. | Bear down upon, attack, 716. |
dock, 189. | Bear off, taking, 789. |
Basis, preparation, 673. | Bear out, confirm, 467. |
foundation, 215. | vindicate, 937. |
Bask, warmth, 382. | Bear up, cheerfulness, 836. |
physical enjoyment, 377. | Bear upon, influence, 175. |
moral enjoyment, 827. | evidence, 467. |
Bask, prosperity, 734. | to relate to, 9. |
Basket, receptacle, 191. | Beard, sharp, 253. |
Bas-relief, convexity, 250. | rough, 256. |
Bass, deep-sounding, 408, 413. | to defy, 715. |
Basso rilievo (It.), convexity, 250. | courage, 861. |
sculpture, 557. | insolence, 885. |
Bassoon, musical instrument, 417. | Beardless, youth, 127. |
Bass-viol, musical instrument, 417. |
Bastard, spurious, 544. |
erroneous, 495. |