Blind alley, closure, 261. | Blunder, error, 495. |
Blindfold, sightless, 442. | folly, 499. |
ignorant, 491. | awkwardness, 699. |
Blind side, obstinacy, 606. | mistake, 732. |
prejudice, 481. | ridiculous, 856. |
Blink, wink, 442. | Blunderbuss, arms, 727. |
neglect, 460. | Blunderheaded, folly, 499. |
overlook, 458. | Blunt, inert, 172. |
shirk, 623. | obtuse, 254. |
Bliss, pleasure, 827. | insensible, 376. |
Blister, swelling, 250. | inexcitable, 826. |
Blithe, cheerfulness, 836. | stupid, 499. |
Blizzard, wind, 349. | cash, 800. |
Bloated, size, 192, 194. | Blunt, discourteous, 895. |
Block, mass, 192. | frank, 543. |
dense, 321. | to moderate, 174. |
fool, 501. | to damp, 616. |
execution, 975. | Blunt-witted, folly, 499. |
Block in, sketch, 556. | Blur, deformity, 846. |
Block out, form, 240. | blemish, 848. |
Block up, plug, 261. | disrepute, 874. |
impede, 706. | Blurred, invisibility, 447. |
Blockade, closure, 261. | Blurt out, disclosure, 529. |
hindrance, 706. | Blush, redden, 434. |
Blockhead, fool, 501. | feel, 821. |
Blockhouse, defence, 716. | be ashamed, 874. |
Blockish, folly, 499. | appearance, 448. |
Bloke, man, 373. | Bluster, violence, 173. |
Blonde, whiteness, 430. | insolence, 885. |
Blood, relation, 11. | defiance, 715. |
killing, 361. | Blusterer, swagger, 887. |
affections, 820. | Blustering, windy, 349. |
nobility, 875. | Board, layer, 204. |
fop, 854. | food, 298. |
Blood-guilty, killing, 361. | to attach, 716. |
Bloodhound, evil-doer, 913. | council, 696. |
detective, 461. | tribunal, 966. |
Blood-red, redness, 434. | theatre, 599. |
Bloodshed, killing, 361. | Boast, brag, 884. |
Blood-stained, murderous, 361. | Boat, ship, 273. |
maleficent, 907. | Bob, rise, 305. |
Blood-sucker, evil-doer, 913. | stoop, 306. |
Bloodthirsty, malevolence, 907. | oscillate, 314. |
Bloody, malevolence, 907. | agitate, 315. |
Bloom, youth, 127. | Bobadil, blusterer, 887. |
prosperity, 734. | Bobbery, disturbance, 315. |
success, 731. | Bode, prediction, 511. |
blueness, 438. | Bodega, drink, 298. |
Bloomer, error, 495. | Bodice, dress, 255. |
dress, 225. | Bodily, substantiality, 3. |
Blooming, beauty, 845. | Bodkin, perforator, 262. |
health, 654. | go-between, 228. |
Blossom, success, 731. | Body, substance, 3. |
prosperity, 734. | matter, 316. |
Blot, obliterate, 552. | whole, 50. |
darken, 431. | person, 373. |
disappear, 449. | assemblage, 72. |
discoloration, 429. | party, 712. |
forget, 506. | political, 737. |
Blot, ugly, 846. | Botian, dull, 843. |
blemish, 848. | foolish, 499. |
disgrace, 874. | Bog, swamp, 343. |
dishonour, 940. | dunghill, 653. |
guilt, 947. | Boggle, demur, 603. |
Blotch, blackness, 431. | hesitate, 605. |
blemish, 848. | difficulty, 704. |
Blouse, dress, 225. | awkward, 699. |
Blow, wind, 349. | Bogle, demon, 980. |
knock, 276. | Bogy, demon, 980. |
action, 680. | alarm, 669. |
evil, 619. | Bohemian, unconformity, 83, 614. |
pain, 828. | Boil, heat, 382. |
disappointment, 732. | Boil, heat, 384. |
mishap, 830. | bubble, 353. |
to prosper, 734. | effervesce, 315. |
Blow down, destruction, 162. | be excited, 825. |
Blow-hole, air-pipe, 351. | be irate, 900. |
Blow out, extinguish, 385. | Boil down, shorten, 201, 596. |
Blow over, preterition, 122. | Boiler, furnace, 386. |
Blowpipe, wind, 349. | Boisterous, violent, 173. |
Blow up, fan, 615. | hasty, 684. |
wind, 349. | excitable, 825. |
inflame, 194. | Bold, brave, 861. |
eruption, 173. | prominent, 250. |
objurgation, 932. | Bolero, dance, 840. |
Blow upon, censure, 934. | Bolshevism, authority, 737. |
Blown, fatigued, 688. | Bolster, support, 215. |
Blowzy, red, 434. | aid, 707. |
sluttish, 653. | repair, 658. |
Blubber, cry, 839. | relief, 834. |
fat, 356. | Bolt, fastening, 45. |
Bludgeon, club, 276. | to fasten, 43. |
weapon, 727. | to propel, 284. |
Blue, colour, 438. | decamp, 287. |
learned, 490. | swallow, 296. |
Blue book, record, 551. | move rapidly, 274. |
Blue devils, dejection, 837. | escape, 671, 750. |
Blue lights, firework, 423, 669. | shackle, 752. |
Bluestocking, scholar, 492. | upright, 212. |
Bluff, high, 206. |
blunt, 254. |
insolent, 885. |
discourteous, 895. |
boasting, 884. |
deception, 545. |