Boxer, combatant, 726. | Break loose, escape, 671. |
Boxing, contention, 720. | liberate, 750. |
Boy, infant, 129. | Break off, a habit, 614. |
Boyhood, youth, 127. | leave off, 141. |
Boycott, exclude, 893. | abrogate, 756. |
Brace, to tie, 43. | Break out, fly out, 825. |
Brace, fastening, 45. | Break the ranks, derangement, 61. |
two, 89. | Break the record, superiority, 33. |
to refresh, 689. | Break up, destroy, 162. |
to strengthen, 159. | decompose, 49. |
Bracelet, circularity, 247. | Break with, discord, 713. |
Brachygraphy, writing, 590. | Breaker, wave, 348. |
Bracing, strengthening, 159. | danger, 667. |
refreshing, 689. | Breakfast, food, 298. |
Bracket, tie, 43. | Break-neck, perilous, 665. |
support, 215. | precipitous, 217. |
vinculum, 45. | Breakwater, refuge, 666. |
couple, 89. | Breast, interior, 221. |
Brackish, pungent, 392. | mind, 450. |
Brad, vinculum, 45. | will, 600. |
Bradawl, perforator, 262. | soul, 820. |
Brag, boasting, 884. | to oppose, 708. |
Braggadocio, boasting, 884. | Breastplate, defence, 717. |
Braggart, boasting, 884. | Breastwork, defence, 717. |
Brahma, deity, 996. | Breath, air, 349. |
Brahmin, clergy, 996. | sound, 405. |
Braid, to tie, 43. | life, 359, 364. |
ligature, 45. | Breathe, exist, 1. |
intersection, 219. | live, 359. |
Braille, printing, 591. | blow, 349. |
Brain, intellect, 450. | mean, 516. |
skill, 498. | utter, 580. |
Brainless, imbecile, 499. | repose, 687. |
Brain-sick, giddy, 460. | Breather, preparation, 673. |
Brake, copse, 367. | Breathing, life-like, 17. |
curb, 752. | Breathing-space, interval, 106. |
Bramble, thorn, 253. | pause, 265. |
painful, 830. | Breathless, calm, 265. |
Bran, pulverulence, 330. | out of breath, 688. |
Bran-new, newness, 123. | feeling, 821. |
Branch, member, 51. | Breech, rear, 235. |
duality, 91. | Breeches, dress, 225. |
posterity, 167. | Breed, kind, 75. |
ramification, 256. | to multiply, 161. |
Branch off, divergence, 291. | progeny, 167. |
Branch out, style, 573. | Breeding, fashion, 852. |
divide, 91. | Breeze, wind, 349. |
Brand, to burn, 384. | Breezy, lively, 836. |
fuel, 388. | Brevet, warrant, 741. |
to stigmatise, 932. | commission, 755. |
to accuse, 938. | permission, 760. |
reproach, 874. | Breviary, liturgy, 998. |
Brandish, oscillate, 314. | Brevity, space, 201. |
flourish, 315. | Brew, mix, 41. |
Brangle, discord, 713. | prepare, 673. |
Bras croisés, inactivity, 683. | impend, 121. |
Brasier, furnace, 386. | Bribe, buy, 795. |
Brass, insolence, 885. | offer, 763. |
colour, 439. | gift, 784. |
Brat, infant, 129. | fee, 809. |
Bravado, boasting, 884. | tempt, 615. |
Brave, courage, 861. | Bric-à-brac,, trifle, 643. |
to defy, 715. | Brick, materials, 635. |
Bravery, courage, 861. | Brickbat, propulsion, 284. |
ornament, 847. | Bride, marriage, 903. |
Bravo (It.), assassin, 361. | Bridegroom, marriage, 903. |
applause, 931. | Bridewell, prison, 752. |
Bravura (It.), music, 415. | Bridge, intermedium, 45. |
Brawl, cry, 411. | way, 627. |
discord, 713. | escape, 671. |
contention, 720. | Bridge over, junction, 43. |
Brawny, strong, 159. | Bridle, curb, 752. |
stout, 192. | to restrain, 751. |
Bray, cry, 412. | to moderate, 174. |
to grind, 330. | to swagger, 878. |
Brazen-faced, insolent, 885. | Bridle up, resentment, 900. |
Breach, crack, 44. | Brief, time, 111. |
quarrel, 713. | space, 201. |
violation, 925. | style, 572. |
exception, 83. | compendium, 596. |
Bread, food, 298. | Briefly, transientness, 111. |
Bread-stuffs, food, 298. | Brier, sharp, 253. |
Breadth, thickness, 202. | painful, 830. |
of mind, 498. | Brier, tobacco-pipe, 351. |
Break, fracture, 44. | Brig, ship, 273. |
shatter, 162. | Brigade, combatant, 726. |
interval, 70, 198. | Brigand, thief, 792. |
vehicle, 272. | Brigantine, ship, 273. |
crumble, 328. | Bright, shining, 420. |
violation, 773. | colour, 428. |
bankruptcy, 808. | cheerful, 836. |
to infringe, 927. | auspicious, 858. |
to disclose, 529. | glorious, 873. |
to tame, 749. | Brilliant, shining, 420. |
to decline, 659. | beautiful, 845. |
to swerve, 311. | glorious, 873. |
Break down, fail, 732. | perfect, 650. |
Break ground, undertaking, 676. | gem, 847. |
Break in, teach, 537. | Brim, edge, 230. |
train, 673. |