Communication, information, 527, 532. | Compose, music, 415. |
connection, 43. | write, 590. |
Communion, society, 712. | Composed, self-possessed, 826. |
participation, 778. | Composite, mixture, 41. |
sacrament, 998. | Composition, constitution, 54. |
Communism, participation, 778. | combination, 48. |
Community, man, 373. | music, 415. |
fellowship, 712. | writing, 590. |
participation, 778. | style, 569. |
Commute, barter, 794. | compromise, 774. |
substitution, 147. | atonement, 952. |
exchange, 148. | Compositor, printer, 591. |
Compact, close, 43. | Compost, manure, 653. |
dense, 321. | Composure, inexcitability, 826. |
compendious, 201, 572. | Compotation, drunkenness, 959. |
bargain, 769. | Compound, mix, 41. |
unity, 87. | combination, 48. |
Compages, whole, 50. | compromise, 774. |
texture, 329. | Compound for, compact, 769. |
Compagination, junction, 43. | barter, 794. |
Companion, friend, 890. | Comprehend, include, 76. |
Companionable, sociality, 892. | compose, 54. |
Companionship, accompaniment, 88. | understand, 518. |
sociality, 892. | know, 490. |
Company, assembly, 72. | Comprehensive, general, 78. |
accompaniment, 88. | wide, 192. |
partnership, 797. | Compress, condense, 321, 572. |
Comparable, relation, 9. | narrow, 203. |
Comparative, degree, 26. | curtail, 201. |
magnitude, 31. | contract, 195. |
Compare, comparison, 464. | Comprise, inclusion, 76. |
Compartment, cell, 191. | Compromise, compound, 774. |
region, 181. | atone, 952. |
place, 182. | endanger, 665. |
Compass, degree, 26. | mean, 29. |
space, 180. | compensation, 30. |
surround, 227. | Compte rendu, compendium, 596. |
measure, 466. | Comptroller, director, 694. |
to enclose, 231. | master, 745. |
achieve, 729. | Compulsion, force, 744. |
intend, 620. | Compunction, penitence, 950. |
Compassion, pity, 914. | Compurgation, acquittal, 970. |
Compatible, consentaneous, 23. | Compute, numeration, 85. |
possible, 470. | Comrade, friend, 890. |
Compatriot, inhabitant, 188. | Con, memory, 505. |
Compeer, equal, 27. | thought, 451. |
friend, 890. | to steer, 693. |
Compel, compulsion, 744. | Con amore (It.), willing, 602. |
Compendious, compendium, 596. | Concatenation, junction, 43. |
Compendium, short, 201. | continuity, 69. |
writing, 596. | Concave, concavity, 252. |
Compensate, make up for, 30. | Conceal, hide, 528. |
requite, 973. | invisible, 447. |
Compete, oppose, 708. | Concede, consent, 762. |
contend, 720. | admit, 467. |
Competence, power, 157. | give, 784. |
sufficiency, 639. | assent, 488. |
wealth, 803. | permit, 760. |
skill, 698. | Conceit, idea, 453. |
Competition, opposition, 708. | belief, 484. |
contention, 720. | supposition, 514. |
Competitor, opponent, 710. | imagination, 515. |
combatant, 726. | affectation, 855. |
Compilation, dissertation, 595. | vanity, 880. |
Complacement, content, 831. | wit, 842. |
self-satisfied, 880. | Conceited, folly, 499. |
Complaint, murmur, 839. | Conceive, believe, 484. |
illness, 655. | imagine, 515. |
Complaisant, benevolent, 906. | Concentrate, assemble, 72. |
Complement, adjunct, 39. | converge, 290. |
remainder, 40. | Concentric, centrality, 223. |
part, 52. | Concept, idea, 453. |
arithmetical, 84. | Conception, intellect, 450. |
Complete, entire, 52. | idea, 453. |
great, 31. | belief, 484. |
end, 67. | knowledge, 490. |
to finish, 729. | imagination, 515. |
Complex, mixture, 41. | Conceptual, thought, 451. |
disorder, 59. | Concern, relation, 9. |
Complexion, state, 7. | grief, 828. |
appearance, 448. | importance, 642. |
Compliance, observance, 772. | business, 625. |
consent, 762. | firm, 797. |
obedience, 743. | Concerning, relation, 9. |
Complicated, disorder, 59. | Concert, music, 415. |
Complicity, deceit, 545. | co-operation, 709. |
conspiring, 709. | agreement, 23. |
Compliment, courtesy, 894. | Concerto (It.), music, 415. |
praise, 931. | Concertina, musical, 417. |
Comply, consent, 762. | Concession, grant, 762, 784. |
obey, 743. | assent, 488. |
observe, 772. | permit, 760. |
Component, component, 56. | Concetto (It.), owit, 842. |
Comport, conduct, 692. | Conchoid, curvature, 245. |
Comport with, agree, 23. | Concierge, keeper, 263, 753. |
Compos, sanity, 502. | Conciliate, talk over, 615. |
Compose, make up, 54. | satisfy, 831. |
produce, 161. | Concinnity, style, 578. |
moderate, 174. | beauty, 845. |
pacify, 723. |
assuage, 826. |