Kadi, judge, 967. | Kingdom, property, 780. |
Kaleidoscope, optical, 445. | region, 181. |
Karma, effect, 154. | Kingly, majestic, 873. |
Katabolism, dissolution, 360. | Kingship, authority, 737. |
Kavass, authority, 745. | Kink, distortion, 243. |
jurisdiction, 965. | angle, 244. |
Keck, ejection, 297. | caprice, 608. |
Kedge, anchor, 666. | Kinsfolk, consanguinity, 11. |
ship, 273. | Kinsman, consanguinity, 11. |
Keel, base, 211. | Kipper, preservation, 670. |
Keen, sharp, 253. | Kirk, temple, 1000. |
energetic, 171. | Kirtle, dress, 225. |
poignant, 821. | Kismet, destiny, 152. |
desirous, 865. | Kiss, endearment, 902. |
to cry, 839. | courtesy, 894. |
Keen-witted, wisdom, 498. | Kit, bag, 191. |
Keep, retain, 781. | accoutrements, 225. |
custody, 751. | fiddle, 417. |
prison, 752. | Kit-cat, painting, 556. |
to observe, 772. | Kitchen, workshop, 691. |
to celebrate, 883. | room, 191. |
to persist, 142. | Kite, flying, 273. |
to continue, 143. | bill, 800. |
food, 298. | Kith and kin, consanguinity, 11. |
provision, 637. | Knack, skill, 698. |
Keep back, conceal, 528. | toy, 840. |
disuse, 678. | Knap, ridge, 206. |
dissuade, 616. | to break, 44. |
Keep from, refrain, 603. | Knapsack, receptacle, 191. |
Keep off, distance, 196. | Knave, deceiver, 548. |
Keep on, continue, 143. | rogue, 941. |
Keep pace with, equality, 27. | dishonour, 949. |
Keep under, restrain, 751. | Knavish, improbity, 940. |
Keep up, continue, 143. | Knead, mix, 41. |
Keeper, keep, 753. | soften, 324. |
Keeping, in, congruity, 23. | Knee, angularity, 244. |
Keeping, out of, incongruity, 24. | Kneel, beg, 765. |
Keepsake, memory, 505. | respect, 928. |
Keg, receptacle, 191. | pray, 990. |
Ken, knowledge, 490. | servility, 886. |
Kennel, ditch, 259. | Knell, interment, 363. |
conduit, 350. | Knick-knack, unimportant, 643. |
hovel, 189. | Knife, sharpness, 253. |
Kerb-stone, limit, 233. | Knight, noble, 875. |
Kerchief, dress, 225. | Knight-errant, defence, 717. |
Kermis (Dutch), amusement, 840. | rash, 863. |
Kern, commonalty, 876. | Knighthood, title, 877. |
Kernel, central, 223. | Knit, junction, 43. |
Ketch, ship, 273. | Knob, protuberance, |
Kettle, vessel, 191. | ball, 249. |
caldron, 386. | Knobkerrie, arms, 727. |
Kettle-drum, musical, 417. | Knock, blow, 276. |
Key, interpretation, 522. | sound, 406. |
answer, 462. | beat, 972. |
music, 413. | Knock about, maltreat, 649. |
cause, 153. | wander, 266. |
instrument, 631. | boisterous, 173. |
Keyhole, opening, 260. | Knock down, destroy, 162. |
Keynote, music, 413. | overthrown, 308. |
model, 22. | Knock off, finish, 729. |
rule, 80. | Knock out, beating, 972. |
Key up, stimulate, 615. | combine, 778. |
Keystone, support, 215. | Knock under, yield, 725. |
Khaki, brown, 433. | obey, 743. |
Khan, master, 745. | Knock up, fatigue, 688. |
Khedive, master, 745. | Knock-kneed, curved, 245. |
Khidmutgar, servant, 746. | Knoll, height, 206. |
Kibitka, vehicle, 272. | Knot, ligature, 45. |
Kick, strike, 276. | to fasten, 43. |
attack, 716. | entanglement, 59. |
disobey, 742. | group, 72. |
resist, 719. | intersection, 219. |
punish, 972. | difficulty, 704. |
Kickshaw, unimportance, 643. | ornament,847. |
Kid, child, 129. | Knotted, crossing, 219. |
to hoax, 545. | Knotty, difficult, 704. |
Kidnap, stealing, 789, 791. | dense, 321. |
Kidney, class, 75. | Knout, scourge, 972, 975. |
Kilderkin, receptacle, 191. | Know no bounds, greatness, 31. |
Kill, kill, 361. | Knowing, skill, 698. |
Killing, charming, 829. | cunning, 702. |
funny, 842. | Knowledge, know, 490. |
Kiln, furnace, 386. | Knuckle, angularity, 244. |
Kilt, dress, 225. | Knuckle-duster, arms, 727. |
Kimono, dress, 225. | Knuckle under, submit, 725. |
Kin, class, 75. | humble, 879. |
Kind, class, 75. | Kobold, gnome, 980. |
benevolent, 906. | Koran, pseudo-revelation, 986. |
Kindle, set fire to, 384. | Kotow, bow, 894. |
cause, 153. | respect, 928. |
quicken, 171. | obedience, 743. |
incite, 615. | Kraal, abode, 189. |
excite, 824. | Kraken, unconformity, 83. |
incense, 900. | Kris, knife, 727. |
Kindred, consanguinity, 11. | Kudos, repute, 873, 931. |
Kinematics, motion, 264. | Ku Klux Klan, illegality, 964. |
Kinematograph, show, 448. | Kukri, arms, 727. |
King, master, 745. | Kyanise, preserve, 670. |
Kingcraft, authority, 737. |