Oaf, fool, 501. | Obtain, exist, 1. |
Oak, strength, 159. | acquire, 775. |
Oar, instrument, 633. | Obtainable, possibility, 470. |
paddle, 267. | Obtestation, entreaty, 765. |
Oasis, land, 342. | injunction, 695. |
Oath, promise, 768. | Obtrude, intervene, 228. |
assertion, 535. | insert, 300. |
expletive, 641. | obstruct, 706. |
Obbligato (It.), music, 415. | Obtund, blunt, 254. |
Obduracy, sin, 945. | deaden, 376. |
impenitence, 931. | paralyse, 826. |
obstinacy, 606. | Obtuse, blunt, 254. |
Obeah, occult arts, 992. | stupid, 499. |
Obedience, obedience, 743. | dull, 823. |
Obeisance, bow, 894. | Obverse, front, 234. |
reverence, 928. | Obviate, hindrance, 706. |
worship, 990. | Obvious, visible, 446. |
fealty, 743. | clear, 516, 518. |
Obelise, indicate, 550. | Ocarina, musical instrument, 417. |
Obelisk, monument, 551. | Occasion, juncture, 8. |
tall, 206. | opportunity, 134. |
Oberon, sprite, 980. | cause, 153. |
Obesity, size, 192. | Occasionally, frequency, 136. |
Obey, obedience, 743, 749. | Occidental, lateral, 236. |
Obfuscate, darken, 421. | Occlusion, closure, 261. |
bewilder, 458. | Occult, latent, 526. |
Obit, death, 360. | hidden, 528. |
Obiter dictum, irrelation, 10. | supernatural, 992. |
Obituary, description, 594. | Occupancy, presence, 186. |
Object, thing, 3. | property, 780. |
Object, intention, 620. | possession, 777. |
ugly, 846. | Occupant, dweller, 188. |
to disapprove, 932. | proprietor, 779. |
Objectify, existence, 1. | Occupation, business, 625. |
Objective, extrinsic, 6. | presence, 186. |
material, 316. | Occupier, dweller, 188. |
Objectlesson, explanation, 522. | possessor, 779. |
Objurgate, disapprobation, 932. | Occupy, station, 71. |
Oblate, shortness, 201. | place, 186. |
monk, 996. | attention, 457. |
Oblation, gift, 789. | Occur, exist, 1. |
proffer, 763. | happen, 151. |
(religious), 990. | be present, 186. |
Obligation, duty, 926. | to the mind, 451. |
promise, 768. | Ocean, ocean, 341. |
debt, 806. | Ochlocracy, authority, 737. |
gratitude, 916. | O'clock, time, 114. |
Oblige, compel, 744. | Octad, number, 98. |
benefit, 707. | Octofid, number, 99. |
Obliging, kind, 906. | Octoroon, mixture, 41. |
courteous, 894. | Octroi, tax, 812. |
Oblique, obliquity, 217. | Octuple, number, 98. |
Obliquity, vice, 945. | Ocular, vision, 441. |
Obliterate, efface, 552. | Odalisque, concubine, 962. |
Oblivion, oblivion, 506. | Odd, exception, 83. |
Oblong, length, 200. | single, 87. |
Obloquy, censure, 932. | remaining, 40. |
disgrace, 874. | eccentric, 499. |
Obmutescence, aphony, 581. | ludicrous, 853. |
Obnoxious, hateful, 898. | vulgar, 851. |
unpleasing, 830. | Oddity, folly, 499. |
pernicious, 649. | laughingstock, 857. |
liable, 177. | Oddments, part, 51. |
Oboe, musical instrument, 417. | Odds, inequality, 28. |
Obscene, impurity, 961. | chance, 156. |
Obscurantist, ignoramus, 493. | discord, 713. |
Obscure, dark, 421. | Odds, at, disagreement, 24. |
unseen, 447. | Odds and ends, portions, 51. |
unintelligible, 519. | dispersion, 73. |
style, 571. | mixture, 41. |
to eclipse, 874. | Ode, poetry, 597. |
Obscurum per obscurius, unintelligibility, 519. | Odin, deity, 979. |
misteaching, 538. | Odious, ugly, 846. |
Obsecration, request, 765. | hateful, 898. |
Obsequies, interment, 363. | offensive, 830. |
Obsequious, respectful, 928. | Odium, blame, 932. |
courteous, 894. | disgrace, 874. |
servile, 886. | hatred, 898. |
Observe, note, 457. | Odour, odour, 398. |
conform, 926. | Odourless, inodorous, 399. |
remark, 535. | Odyssey, journey, 266. |
Observance, fulfilment, 772. | cology, organisation, 357. |
rule, 82. | cumenical, generality, 78. |
habit, 613. | dematous, soft, 324. |
practice, 692. | swollen, 192. |
rites, 998. | dipus, expounder, 524. |
Observer, spectator, 444. | answer, 462. |
Obsess, preoccupy, 457. | O'ertop, expansion, 194. |
Obsess, worry, 830. | Off, distance, 196. |
haunt, 860. | Offal, uncleanness, 653. |
Obsession, misjudgment, 481. | Offchance, chance, 621. |
Obsolete, old, 124. | Offend, affront, 900. |
effete, 645. | Offence, attack, 716. |
vulgar, 851. | guilt, 947. |
Obstacle, physical, 179. | Offensive, unsavoury, 395. |
moral, 706. | fetid, 401. |
Obstinate, stubborn, 606. | foul, 653. |
prejudiced, 481. | displeasing, 830. |
Obstreperous, violent, 173. | distasteful, 867. |
loud, 404. | obnoxious, 898. |
Obstruct, hinder, 706. |
close, 261. |