Offer, proposal, 763. | Onestep, dance, 840. |
gift, 784. | Onomancy, prediction, 511. |
Offering, worship, 990. | Onset, attack, 716. |
Offhand, spontaneous, 612, 674. | beginning, 66. |
Offhand, careless, 460. | Onslaught, attack, 716. |
Office, function, 644. | Ontology, existence, 1. |
duty, 926. | Onus, duty, 926. |
business, 625. | Onus probandi, reasoning, 476. |
mart, 799. | Onychomancy, prediction, 511. |
room, 191. | Onward, progression, 282. |
bureau, 691. | Ooze, distil, 295, 297. |
authority, 737. | river, 348. |
Officer, director, 694. | sea, 341. |
constable, 965. | transpire, 529. |
master, 745. | Opacity, opacity, 426. |
Official, authoritative, 474, 737. | Opalescent, variegation, 440. |
business, 625. | Opaque, opacity, 426. |
authorised, 924. | Open, begin, 66. |
Officiate, conduct, 692. | expand, 194. |
act, 680. | Open, unclose, 260. |
religious, 998. | manifest, 518, 525. |
Officious, activity, 682. | reveal, 529. |
Offing, distance, 196. | frank, 543. |
Offish, unsocial, 893. | artless, 703. |
discourteous, 895. | Openeyed, attention, 457. |
Offscourings, remains, 40. | Openhanded, liberal, 816. |
dirt, 653. | Openhearted, sincere, 543. |
trash, 643. | frank, 703. |
Offset, compensation, 30. | honourable, 939. |
ridge, 250. | Opening, aperture, 198, 260. |
Offshoot, part, 51. | occasion, 134. |
posterity, 167. | beginning, 66. |
Offspring, posterity, 167. | Openminded, intelligence, 498. |
Often, frequency, 136. | Openmouthed, loud, 404. |
Ogee, curve, 245. | loquacious, 584. |
Ogham, writing, 590. | gaping, 865. |
Ogle, vision, 441. | Open sesame, interpretation, 522. |
Ogre, demon, 980. | Opera, drama, 599. |
bugbear, 860. | music, 415. |
Oil, unctuosity, 355, 356. | Opéra bouffe, drama, 599. |
smooth, 255. | Operate, incite, 615. |
flattery, 933. | work, 170, 680. |
bland, 894. | Operative, agent, 690. |
relief, 834. | Operator, agent, 690. |
to assuage, 174. | Operculum, covering, 222. |
Old, oldness, 124. | stopper, 263. |
Oldfashioned, obsolete, 851. | Operose, difficult, 704. |
quaint, 83. | active, 683. |
Oleaginous, unctuousness, 355. | exertive, 686. |
Olfactory, odour, 398. | Ophicleide, musical, 417. |
Olid, fetor, 401. | Opiate, remedy, 174. |
Oligarchy, authority, 737. | sedative, 174. |
Olio (Sp.), mixture, 41. | Opine, belief, 484. |
Olive, brown, 433. | Opiniâtre, obstinacy, 606. |
Olivebranch, pacification, 723. | Opinion, belief, 484. |
Olivegreen, greenness, 435. | Opinionative, obstinacy, 606. |
Olla podrida (Sp.), mixture, 41. | Opium, moderation, 174. |
Olympus, heaven, 981. | Oppilation, hindrance, 706. |
Omega, end, 67. | Opponent, antagonist, 710. |
Omelet, food, 298. | enemy, 891. |
Omen, omen, 512. | Opportune, welltimed, 134. |
Ominous, prediction, 511. | expedient, 646. |
danger, 665. | Opportunism, cunning, 702. |
Omission, neglect, 460. | Opportunist, timeserver, 607, 943. |
exclusion, 55. | Opportunity, occasion, 134. |
incomplete, 53. | Oppose, antagonise, 179. |
nonfulfilment, 773. | clash, 708. |
guilt, 947. | evidence, 468. |
Omnibus, vehicle, 272. | Opposite, contrary, 14. |
Omnibus rebus, de, multiformity, 81. | antiposition, 237. |
Omnifarious, multiformity, 81. | Oppress, molest, 649. |
Omnipotence, Deity, 976. | Oppression, injury, 619. |
Omnipresence, presence, 186. | dejection, 837. |
Deity, 976. | Opprobrium, disrepute, 874. |
Omniscience, knowledge, 490. | Optics, light, 420. |
divine, 976. | sight, 441. |
Omnium gatherum, mixture, 41. | Optimates, nobility, 875. |
confusion, 59. | Optimism, hope, 858. |
assemblage, 72. | Option, choice, 609. |
Omphalos, middle, 68. | Opulence, wealth, 803. |
centre, 223. | Opus, music, 415. |
On, forwards, 282. | Opuscule, book, 593. |
On dit, publication, 531. | Oracle, prophet, 513. |
news, 532. | sage, 500. |
interlocution, 588. | Oracular, wise, 498. |
On end, verticality, 212. | prophetic, 511. |
Once, preterition, 122. | Oral, voice, 580. |
infrequency, 137. | Orange, orange, 439. |
Once for all, end, 67, 137. | Oration, speech, 582. |
Once upon a time, different time, 119. | Orator, speaker, 582. |
period, 108. | teacher, 540. |
One, unity, 87. | Oratorio, music, 415. |
One by one, disjunction, 44. | Oratory, speech, 582. |
unity, 87. | Orb, circle, 247. |
Oneideaed, folly, 499. | region, 181. |
Oneiromancy, prediction, 511. | luminary, 423. |
Oneness, unity, 87. | sphere of action, 625. |
identity, 13. |
Onerous, difficulty, 704. |
Onesided, prejudiced, 481. |
partial, 940. |
incorrect, 495. |