Prefix, precedence, 62. | Presently, soon, 111, 132. |
precursor, 64. | Preservation, continuance, 142. |
Pregnant, productive, 168. | conservation, 670. |
predicting, 511. | Preside, command, 737. |
important, 642. | direct, 693. |
Prehension, taking, 789. | Presidency, authority, 737. |
Prehistoric, preterition, 122. | President, master, 694, 745. |
old, 124. | Press, hasten, 132, 684. |
Prejudge, misjudgment, 481. | beg, 765. |
Prejudice, evil, 619. | compel, 644. |
detriment, 649. | offer, 763. |
Prelacy, churchdom, 995. | weigh, 319. |
Prelate, clergy, 996. | solicit, 615. |
Prelection, teaching, 537. | crowd, 72. |
Prelector, teacher, 540. | closet, 191. |
Preliminary, preceding, 62. | velocity, 274. |
precursor, 64. | Press in, insertion, 300. |
priority, 116. | Pressing, urgent, 642. |
Prelude, preceding, 62. | Pressman, writer, 590. |
precursor, 64. | printer, 591. |
priority, 116. | Pressure, weight, 319. |
music, 415. | influence, 175. |
Prelusory, preceding, 62. | urgency, 642. |
precursor, 64. | affliction, 830. |
priority, 116. | Prestidigitation, deception, 545. |
Premature, earliness, 132. | Prestige, attractiveness, 829. |
Premeditate, intend, 630. | wonder, 870. |
predetermine, 611. | Prestissimo (It.), music, 415. |
Premeditated, will, 600. | Presto (It.), transientness, 111. |
Prémices, effect, 154. | velocity, 274. |
Premier, director, 694, 759. | music, 415. |
Premiership, authority, 737. | Presume, suppose, 514. |
Premise, prefix, 62. | hope, 858. |
announce, 511. | prejudge, 481. |
Premises, ground, 182. | take liberties, 885. |
evidence, 467. | Presumption, probable, 472. |
Premium, reward, 973. | right, 924. |
receipt, 810. | rashness, 863. |
Premonition, warning, 668. | insolence, 885. |
Prenticeship, preparation, 673. | Presumptive, conjectural, 514. |
Preoccupied, inattentive, 458. | rightful, 924. |
Preoccupy, possess, 777. | probable, 472. |
the attention, 457. | indicative, 467. |
Preoption, choice, 609. | Presumptuous, rash, 863. |
Preordain, necessity, 601. | insolent, 885. |
Preordination, destiny, 152. | Presuppose, prejudge, 481. |
Preparatory, precedence, 62. | conjecture, 514. |
Prepare, mature, 673. | Presurmise, prejudge, 481. |
plan, 626. | conjecture, 514. |
instruct, 537. | Pretence, untruth, 546. |
Prepared, ready, 698. | excuse, 617. |
Prepay, expenditure, 809. | Pretend, simulate, 544. |
Prepense, advised, 611. | assert, 535. |
spontaneous, 600. | Pretender, boaster, 884. |
intended, 620. | deceiver, 548. |
Prepollence, power, 157. | Pretension, claim, 924. |
Preponderant, unequal, 28. | affectation, 855. |
important, 642. | vanity, 880, 884. |
Prepossessing, pleasurableness, 829. | Preterition, preterition, 122. |
Prepossession, misjudgment, 481. | Preterlapsed, preterition, 122. |
Preposterous, in degree, 31. | Pretermit, omit, 460. |
in size, 192. | Preternatural, irregular, 83. |
ridiculous, 853. | Pretext, excuse, 617. |
absurd, 499. | falsehood, 546. |
Prepotency, power, 157. | Pretty, beauty, 845. |
PreRaphaelite, artist, 559. | Pretty well, much, 31. |
Prerequisite, requirement, 630. | imperfect, 651. |
Prerogative, right, 924. | Prevail, influence, 175. |
authority, 737. | be general, 78. |
Presage, omen, 512. | exist, 1. |
to predict, 511. | Prevail upon, motive, 615. |
Presbyopic, dimsightedness, 443. | Prevailing, preponderating, 28. |
Presbytery, parsonage, 1000. | usual, 82. |
Prescient, foresight, 510. | Prevalence, influence, 175. |
Prescribe, order, 741. | usage, 613. |
entitle, 924. | superiority, 33. |
duty, 926. | Prevalent, see Prevail. |
Prescript, decree, 741. | Prevaricate, falsehood, 544. |
precept, 697. | equivocate, 520. |
law, 963. | Prévenance,, courtesy, 894. |
Prescription, remedy, 662. | Prevenient, precedence, 62. |
Prescriptive, dueness, 924. | Prevention, hindrance, 706. |
Presence, in space, 186. | prejudice, 481. |
appearance, 448. | Previous, in order, 62. |
carriage, 852. | in time, 116. |
Presence of mind, caution, 864. | Prevision, foresight, 510. |
Present, in time, 118. | Prey, food, 298. |
in place, 186. | booty, 793. |
in memory, 505. | object, 620. |
give, 784. | victim, 828. |
offer, 763. | Price, money, 812. |
introduce, 894. | value, 648. |
to the mind, 451. | Priceless, goodness, 648. |
Presentable, fashion, 852. | Prick, sharpness, 253. |
Presentation, offer, 763. | to incite, 615. |
gift, 784. | to sting, 615. |
Presentiment, prejudgment, 481. | pain, 830. |
instinct, 477. | Prick off, weed, 103. |
foresight, 510. | Prick up, raise, 212. |