Rift, separation, 44. | Robust, strength, 159. |
fissure, 198. | Rock, hardness, 323. |
Rig, dress, 225. | land, 342. |
prepare, 673. | to oscillate, 314. |
frolic, 840. | pitfall, 667. |
deception, 545. | Rockbottom, base, 211. |
adorn, 845. | Rocket, signal, 550. |
Rigadoon, dance, 840. | arms, 727. |
Rigescence, hardness, 323. | light, 423. |
Rigging, gear, 225. | rise, 305. |
cordage, 45. | rapid, 274. |
Right, just, 922. | Rocky, unsteady, 149. |
privilege, 924. | Rococo, fantastic, 853. |
duty, 926. | Rod, sceptre, 747. |
honour, 939. | scourge, 975. |
Right, straight, 246. | bane, 663. |
suitable, 646. | measure, 466. |
Righteous, virtuous, 944. | divining, 992. |
just, 922. | Rodomontade, nonsense, 497. |
Rigid, hard, 323. | unintelligible, 519. |
exact, 494. | boasting, 884. |
strict, 772. | Rogation, worship, 990. |
severe, 739. | Rogue, cheat, 548. |
stubborn, 606. | scamp, 949. |
regular, 82. | Roguery, vice, 945. |
Rigmarole, nonsense, 497. | dishonour, 940. |
unintelligible, 519. | Roguish, sportive, 842. |
Rigour, severity, 739. | Roister, insolence, 885. |
compulsion, 744. | Rôle, business, 625. |
exactness, 494. | drama, 599. |
Rile, irritate, 900. | Roll, rotate, 312. |
Rill, river, 348. | Roll, move, 264. |
Rim, edge, 230. | push, 284. |
Rime, cold, 383. | flow, 348. |
Rind, covering, 222. | sound, 407. |
Ring, circle, 247. | cylinder, 249. |
sound, 408. | fillet, 205. |
arena, 728. | record, 551. |
syndicate, 778. | list, 86. |
Ringleader, master, 745. | Rollcall, number, 85. |
Ringlet, circle, 247. | Roller, rotundity, 249. |
Rinse, cleanness, 652. | Rollicking, frolicsome, 836. |
Riot, violence, 173. | blustering, 885. |
revolt, 719, 742. | Rolling stone, traveller, 268. |
confusion, 59. | Rolypoly, size, 192. |
luxuriate, 377, 827. | Romance, fiction, 515. |
Rip, tear, 44. | falsehood, 544. |
rush, 274. | absurdity, 497. |
rascal, 949. | fable, 594. |
Riparian, land, 342. | Romantic, sentimental, 822. |
Ripe, preparation, 673. | Rondeau, poem, 597. |
Ripost, answer, 462. | Rondo (It.), music, 415. |
Ripping, excellent, 648. | Roof, summit, 210. |
delightful, 827. | height, 206. |
Ripple, shake, 315. | cover, 222. |
murmur, 405. | house, 189. |
wave, 348. | Roofless, divestment, 226. |
Rise, ascend, 206, 305. | Rook, deceiver, 548. |
slope, 217. | Rookery, abode, 189. |
resist, 719. | Room, space, 180. |
revolt, 742. | occasion, 124. |
spring, 154. | chamber, 191. |
grow, 35. | Roomy, space, 180. |
Risible, laughable, 828. | Roost, abode, 186, 189. |
ridiculous, 853. | Root, cause, 153. |
witty, 842. | base, 211. |
Risk, danger, 665. | algebraic, 84. |
chance, 621. | to place, 184. |
Risky, improper, 961. | Rooted, fixed, 265. |
Rite, law, 963. | permanent, 142. |
religious, 998. | old, 124. |
Ritornello (It.), frequency, 136. | habitual, 613. |
Ritual, rite, 998. | belief, 484. |
Rival, emulate, 720. | Root out, destroy, 162. |
Rival, envy, 921. | displace, 185. |
oppose, 708. | eject, 297. |
competitor, 710, 726. | extract, 301. |
Rive, disjoin, 44. | discover, 480. |
Rivel, fold, 258. | Rope, cord, 205. |
River, water, 348. | fastening, 45. |
Rivet, to fasten, 43, 150. | Ropedancer, proficient, 700. |
fastening, 45. | Ropedancing, skill, 698. |
Rivulet, water, 348. | Ropy, semiliquidity, 352. |
Road, way, 189, 627. | Roquelaure, dress, 225. |
direction, 278. | Roral, moisture, 339. |
Roadstead, anchorage, 189. | Rosary, rite, 998. |
refuge, 666. | garden, 371. |
Roadster, carrier, 271. | Roscid, moisture, 339. |
Roadway, way, 627. | Rose, redness, 434. |
Roam, journey, 266. | Roses, bed of, pleasure, 377. |
Roan, variegation, 271. | Rosette, cluster, 72. |
Roar, sound, 404. | Rosicrucian, deceiver, 548. |
cry, 411. | Rostrum, beak, 234. |
weep, 839. | pulpit, 542. |
Roast, heat, 384. | Rosy, red, 434. |
ridicule, 856. | auspicious, 858. |
censure, 932. | Rot, disease, 655. |
Rob, plunder, 791. | decay, 659. |
pulp, 354. | putrefy, 653. |
Robber, thief, 792. | nonsense, 497, 517. |
Robe, dress, 225. | to banter, 856. |
Robin Goodfellow, imp, 980. |