Soul, intrinsic, 5. | Spear, lance, 727. |
intellect, 450. | to pierce, 260. |
affections, 820. | pass through, 302. |
man, 373. | Spearman, combatant, 726. |
important part, 50, 642. | Special, particular, 79. |
Soulful, feeling, 821. | peculiar, 5. |
Soulless, insensible, 823. | Specialist, adviser, 695. |
Sound, noise, 402. | proficient, 700. |
healthy, 654. | Speciality, intrinsic, 5. |
perfect, 650. | particular, 79. |
good, 648. | Special pleading, sophistry, 477. |
to measure, 466. | Specie, money, 800. |
to investigate, 461. | Species, kind, 75. |
true, 494. | appearance, 448. |
wise, 498. | Specific, special, 79. |
orthodox, 983A. | Specify, name, 564. |
bay, 343. | tell, 527. |
greatness, 31. | Specimen, example, 82. |
Soundings, deep, 208. | Specious, probable, 472. |
Soundless, deep, 208. | sophistical, 477. |
silent, 403. | plausible, 937. |
Soundly, great, 31. | Speck, dot, 193. |
Soup, food, 298. | small quantity, 32. |
pulp, 354. | blemish, 848. |
Soupçon, little, 32, 193. | Speckle, variegated, 400. |
mixture, 41. | blemish, 848. |
Sour, acid, 397. | Spectacle, appearance, 448. |
uncivil, 895. | show, 882. |
misanthropic, 901. | prodigy, 872. |
to embitter, 835. | Spectacles, optical instrument, 445. |
Source, origin, 66, 153. | Spectator, spectator, 444. |
Sourdine, silencer, 417. | Spectre, vision, 448. |
Souse, immerse, 300. | ugly, 846. |
water, 337. | ghost, 980. |
Soutane, canonicals, 999. | Spectroscope, optical, 445. |
Souteneur, libertine, 962. | Spectrum, colour, 428. |
Souvenir, memory, 505. | appearance, 448. |
Sovereign, great, 31. | Speculate, think, 451. |
superiority, 33. | venture, 675. |
strong, 157. | traffic, 794. |
ruler, 745. | view, 441. |
Soviet, council, 696. | Speculum, optical instrument, 445. |
Sow, scatter, 73. | Speech, speech, 582. |
prepare, 673. | Speechify, speech, 582. |
Space, room, 180. | Speechless, silence, 581. |
separate, 44. | Speed, velocity, 274. |
Spacious, roomy, 180. | activity, 682. |
Spahee, combatant, 726. | to help, 707. |
Span, distance, 196. | succeed, 731. |
nearness, 197. | Spell, interpret, 522. |
length, 200. | read, 539. |
measure, 466. | period, 106. |
time, 106. | charm, 993. |
Spangle, spark, 420. | necessity, 601. |
ornament, 847. | motive, 615. |
Spaniel, servile, 886. | exertion, 686. |
flatterer, 935. | Spell-bound, motive, 615. |
Spanking, size, 192. | Spelling, letters, 561. |
beating, 972. | Spence, store, 636. |
Spar, discord, 713. | Spencer, dress, 225. |
contention, 720, 722. | Spencerism, causation, 153. |
Spare, meagre, 203. | Spend, expend, 809. |
scanty, 642. | waste, 638. |
to give, 784. | Spendthrift, prodigal, 818. |
relinquish, 782. | Spent, exhausted, 688. |
disuse, 678. | Spermaceti, oil, 356. |
refrain, 623. | Spew, ejection, 297. |
pity, 914. | Sphacelus, disease, 655. |
frugal, 953. | Sphere, ball, 249. |
economic, 817. | region, 181. |
in reserve, 636. | world, 318. |
Spare time, leisure, 685. | rank, 26. |
Sparing, temperate, 953. | business, 625. |
small, 32. | Spheroid, round, 249. |
economic, 817. | Spherule, round, 249. |
Spark, light, 420. | Sphinx, orcale, 513. |
fire, 382. | monster, 83. |
Spark, fop, 854. | Spice, small quantity, 32. |
Sparkle, glisten, 420. | mixture, 41. |
bubble, 353. | pungent, 392. |
Sparse, scattered, 73. | condiment, 393. |
few, 103. | Spicilegium, assembly, 72, 596. |
Sparsim, non-assemblage, 73. | compendium, 596. |
Spasm, fit, 173. | Spick and span, clean, 123. |
throe, 146. | Spicule, sharp, 253. |
pain, 378, 828. | Spidery, narrowness, 203. |
Spatial, space, 99. | Spiflicate, trounce, 972. |
Spatter, dirt, 653. | Spike, to pierce, 260. |
damage, 659. | plug, 263. |
Spatterdash, dress, 225. | pass through, 302. |
Spatula, layer, 204. | sharp, 253. |
trowel, 191. | Spile, stopper, 263. |
Spawn, dirt, 653. | Spill, filament, 205. |
offspring, 167. | Spill, to shed, 297. |
Speak, speech, 582. | waste, 638. |
Speak fair, conciliate, 615. | splash, 348. |
Speak to, allocution, 586. | lavish, 818. |
Speak out, disclose, 529. | misuse, 679. |
Speaker, speech, 582. | fall, 306. |
teacher, 540. |
interpreter, 524. |
president, 745. |