Tocsin, alarm, 669. | Tornado, violence, 173. |
indication, 550. | wind, 349. |
Toddle, walk, 266. | Torpedo, weapon, 727. |
limp, 275. | car, 272. |
Toe, base, 211. | Torpedo-boat, ship, 273. |
Toff, notability, 642. | Torpid, inert, 172. |
fop, 854. | insensible, 823. |
Toffee, sweet, 396. | inactive, 683. |
Toga, dress, 225. | Torrefy, burn, 384. |
Together, added, 37. | Torrent, flow, 348. |
simultaneous, 120. | violence, 173. |
accompanying, 88. | Torrid, heat, 382. |
Toil, exertion, 686. | Torsion, twist, 311. |
activity, 682. | Torso, part, 51. |
trap, 667. | Tortoise, slow, 275. |
Toilet, dress, 225. | Tortoiseshall, variegation, 440. |
Token, sign, 550. | Tortuous, twist, 248. |
Toledo, arms, 727. | dishonest, 939. |
Tolerable, endurable, 651. | style, 571. |
Tolerant, patient, 826. | Torture, physical, 378. |
Tolerate, endure, 821. | moral, 828, 830. |
permit, 760. | Toss, throw, 284. |
licence, 750. | oscillate, 314. |
lenity, 740. | agitate, 315. |
laxity, 738. | derange, 61. |
Toll, sound, 407. | Toss-up, chance, 156, 621. |
tax, 812. | Toss-pot, drunk, 959. |
Tollbooth, mart, 799. | Tot, dram, 298. |
prison, 752. | Tot up, numeration, 85. |
Tolling, interment, 363. | Total, whole, 50. |
Tomahawk, arms, 727. | Totem, indication, 550. |
Tomb, interment, 363. | Toto clo, contrariety, 14. |
Tomboy, vulgar, 851. | difference, 15. |
Tome, volume, 593. | greatness, 31. |
Tomfoolery, absurdity, 497. | completeness, 52. |
ridiculous, 856. | Totter, limp, 275. |
amusement, 840. | oscillate, 314. |
Tommy, soldier, 726. | agitate, 315. |
Tompion, stopper, 263. | decay, 659. |
Tom-tom, drum, 416. | Tottering, dangerous, 665. |
Ton, taste, 852. | imperfect, 651. |
Tonality, melody, 413. | Touch, tact, 371. |
Tone, state, 7. | contiguity, 199. |
strength, 159. | to relate to, 9. |
melody, 413. | music, 415. |
minstrelsy, 415. | mix, 41. |
colour, 428. | small quantity, 32, 39. |
Tone-colour, music, 415. | act, 680. |
Tone down, modify, 174, 469. | treat on, 595. |
Tone-poem, music, 415. | excite, 824. |
Tongue, language, 560. | pity, 914. |
Tongueless, dumb, 581. | test, 463. |
Tongue-tied, dumb, 581. | Touch-and-go, uncertainty, 485. |
Tonic, remedy, 662, 656. | danger, 665. |
music, 413. | Touch up, improve, 658. |
Tonnage, size, 192. | Touched, feeling, 821. |
Tonsure, canonicals, 999. | Touching, relation, 9. |
Too, addition, 37. | Touchstone, evidence, 467. |
Too much, redundance, 641. | Touchwood, fuel, 388. |
Tool, instrument, 631, 633. | Touchy, irascibility, 901. |
Toot, sound, 408. | Tough, strong, 327. |
Tooth, projection, 250. | difficult, 704. |
notch, 257. | Tour, journey, 266. |
sharp, 253. | Tourist, traveller, 268. |
link, 45. | Toupee, wig, 225. |
taste, 390. | Tournament, combat, 720. |
Toothsome, savoury, 394. | Tourney, combat, 720. |
agreeable, 829. | Tourniquet, stopper, 263. |
Top, summit, 210. | hindrance, 706. |
good, 648. | Tournure, outline, 229. |
to surpass, 33. | appearance, 448. |
Topaz, yellow, 436. | beauty,. 845. |
Toper, drunkard, 959. | Tousle, derange, 61. |
Top-full, full, 639. | Tousled, disorder, 59. |
Top-hamper, hindrance, 706. | Tout, solicit, 765, 767. |
Top-heavy, inverted, 218. | Tout ensemble, whole, 50. |
dangerous, 665. | Touter, eulogist, 935. |
tipsy, 959. | solicitor, 767. |
unbalanced, 28. | Tow, pull, 285. |
Tophet, hell, 982. | Towards, direction, 278. |
Top-hole, excellent, 648. | Tower, height, 206. |
Topic, topic, 454. | building, 189. |
Topical, situation, 183. | defence, 717. |
apt, 23. | to soar, 305. |
Topmast, height, 206. | Towering, great, 31. |
Topmost, great, 33. | passion, 900. |
high, 210. | Town, city, 189. |
Topography, situation, 183. | fashion, 852. |
Topping, excellent, 648. | Town-talk, news, 532. |
Topple, fall, 306. | Townsman, inhabitant, 188. |
ruin, 659. | Toxic, poisonous, 657. |
Topple over, inversion, 218. | Toxicology, poison, 663. |
Top-sawyer, profficient, 700. | Toxin, poison, 663. |
Topsy-turvy, upside down, 218. | Toy, amusement, 840. |
nonsensical, 497. | trifle, 643. |
Toque, hat, 225. | Tracasserie, discord, 713. |
Torah, revelation, 985. | Trace, inquire, 461. |
Torch, light, 423. | discover, 480. |
Torchlight, light, 420. | vestige, 551. |
Toreador, combatant, 726. | Trace to, discover, 155. |
Torment physical, 378. |
moral,, 828, 830. |