Wabble, oscillation, 314. | Warfare, war, 722. |
Wadding, stopping, 263. | Warlike, contention, 720. |
Waddle, slowness, 275. | Warlock, spirit, 980. |
Waddle, oscillation, 314. | sorcerer, 994. |
Wade, swim, 267. | Warm, hot, 382. |
Wafer, layer, 204. | to heat, 384. |
Waft, transfer, 270. | ardent, 515, 821, 824, 888. |
blow, 267, 349. | angry, 900. |
Wag, oscillate, 314. | irascible, 901. |
agitate, 315. | violent, 173. |
wit, 844. | Warming-pan, heater, 386. |
Wager, chance, 621. | preparation, 673. |
Wages, expenditure, 809. | Warmth, heat, 382. |
Wage war, contention, 720. | emotion, 821. |
Waggery, wit, 842. | passion, 900. |
Waggle, oscillation, 314. | Warn, admonish, 695. |
agitation, 315. | forebode, 511. |
Wagon, vehicle, 272. | Warning, warning, 668. |
Waif, outcast, 893. | omen, 512. |
Wail, lamentation, 839. | alarm, 669. |
Wain, vehicle, 272. | Warp, narrow, 203. |
Wainscot, lining, 224. | deviate, 279. |
Waist, narrow, 203. | prejudice, 481. |
Waistcoat, dress, 225. | imperfect, 651. |
Wait, tarry, 110, 133. | texture, 329. |
expect, 121, 507. | Warrant, evidence, 467. |
inaction, 681. | order, 741. |
Wait on, accompany, 88. | permit, 760. |
help, 707. | protest, 535. |
call on, 894. | money-order, 800. |
Waiter, servant, 746. | security, 771. |
Waits, musicians, 416. | to authorise, 737. |
Waive, relinquish, 624, 782. | Warrantable, defensible, 937. |
dispense with, 678. | Warranty, surety, 771. |
Wake, sequel, 65. | sanction, 924. |
back, 235. | Warren, productive, 168. |
trace, 551. | Warrior, combatant, 726. |
to excite, 824. | Wart, convexity, 250. |
funeral, 363. | Wary, cautious, 864. |
Walk, move, 266. | careful, 459. |
region, 181. | Wash, cleanse, 652. |
business, 625. | colour, 428. |
way, 627. | water, 337. |
conduct, 692. | marsh, 345. |
arena, 728. | Wash out, obliterate, 552. |
Wall, lining, 224. | Washy, watery, 337. |
circumscription, 231. | weak, 160. |
enclosure, 232. | valueless, 645. |
prison, 752. | style, 573. |
asylum, 666. | Waspish, discourteous, 895. |
defence, 717. | irascible, 901. |
obstacle, 705. | Wassail, feast, 840. |
(take the), 878. | Waste, decrease, 36. |
Wallet, receptacle, 191. | contract, 195. |
Wall-eyed, dim-sighted, 443. | expend, 638. |
Wallop, thrash, 972. | destroy, 162. |
Wallow, rotation, 312. | vacant space, 180. |
Waltz, dance, 840. | plain, 344. |
music, 415. | misuse, 679. |
Wan, achromatism, 429. | useless, 645. |
Wand, sceptre, 747. | prodigality, 818. |
Wander, roam, 264, 266. | refuse, 643. |
Wander, deviate, 279, 291. | loss, 776. |
circuit, 629. | Wasted, weakness, 160. |
delirium, 503. | Wasteful, useless, 645. |
Wanderer, traveller, 268. | prodigal, 818. |
Wanderlust (Ger.), travel, 266. | Waste-pipe, conduit, 350. |
Wane, decay, 659. | Wastrel, outcast, 893. |
decrease, 36. | Watch, observe, 441. |
contract, 195. | attend to, 457. |
Wangle, falsify, 544. | expect, 507. |
plan, 626. | sentinel, 753. |
cunning, 702. | clock, 114. |
Want, desire, 865. | Watchet, blue, 438. |
require, 630. | Watch-fire, indication, 550. |
scant, 640. | Watchful, care, 459. |
poverty, 804. | Watchman, safety, 664. |
incomplete, 53. | Watch-tower, warning, 668. |
Wantless, sufficiency, 639. | Watchword, indication, 550. |
Wanton, unrestrained, 748. | Water, fluid, 337. |
impure, 961. | to weaken, 160. |
War, warfare, 722. | Watercourse, conduit, 350. |
War-cry, indication, 550. | Waterfall, river, 348. |
War-whoop, indication, 450. | Water-gate, conduit, 350. |
Warble, music, 415. | Waterlogged, danger, 665. |
Ward, restraint, 751. | difficulty, 704. |
safety, 664. | Waterplane, ship, 273. |
asylum, 666. | Waterproof, dryness, 340. |
Ward off, defend, 717. | dress, 225. |
avert, 706. | Watershed, summit, 210. |
Warden, guardian, 664. | Waterspout, river, 349. |
Warden, deputy, 759. | Wave, of water, 348. |
master, 745. | the sea, 341. |
Warder, keeper, 263, 664, 753. | sinuous, 248. |
Wardmote, tribunal, 966. | oscillate, 314. |
Wardrobe, dress, 225. | hint, 527. |
receptacle, 191. | curl, 245. |
Wardship, safety, 664. | Waver, unwilling, 603. |
Ware, merchandise, 798. | hesitate, 605. |
Warehouse, store, 636. | fluctuate, 149. |
mart, 799. |